The Great Tree

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Map Of The Great Tree -->

Hollypaw's Theme Song -->


Hollypaw and the three owls flew in silence.

Wait, did the author type 'silence'? She meant 'non stop questions from the Prince'.

"Wait, so the Queens and Kings of the Clans actually get nine lives!?" He sounded estatic, as if learning this was as fun as going on an adventure.

"Yep." Hollypaw replied. She had explained the leaders as Kings and Queens, because she figured he would understand it better with that visual.

"That sounds awesome! Da can only die once before he's dead!"

Rachael cuffed him over the head. "Be nice! That's our Da you're talking about!"

King Hoole chuckled. "It's fine, Rachael. It's true."

"So, what did you think you're name would be?" H'rathruyan asked Hollypaw. Hollypaw frowned.

"I honestly don't know." she admitted. "I was named after my aunt, Hollyleaf, so it could have been Hollyflower... or, because I have wings, Hollywing or Hollyflight..."

"What do you think my name would have been?" The owl asked.

"Hmm... maybe Owlpelt? Owlflight? Spottedfur? Owltalon?" Hollypaw guessed. "My great aunt Squirrelstar is Queen now, after King Bramblestar died, so she might of given them different names... she's hasn't named ant Warriors yet. I mean, I guess she mght have by now, but I'm not completely sure."

She purred. "My grandfather, King Firestar, was very creative... Briarlight... Lionblaze... Poppyfrost.... Honeyfern.... Birchfall..."

"So you're royalty, basically." Rachael stated, and Hollypaw nodded.

"Yeah. But my brother Sorrelpaw- although he could have his Warrior name by now -was born first. My other brother Fernpaw was born after him. And there's also Leafpool, Cloudtail, Whitewing, Ivypool and Dovewing, Snowfrost, Amberfrost, Dewfang, Snowpelt and Lionblaze to take into account... so I'm thirteenth in line." she shrugged. "Not a big chance for me to become Queen. And I didn't really have a shot, anyway. They acted like I'm some mutant freak." She didn't mention that deputies usually take the leader's place.

H'rathruyan was about to ask another question, until King Hoole interrupted him.

"We're here!" He hooted, and Hollypaw's eyes widened as she saw the massive tree. It was huge!!

King Hoole chuckled as he saw her shocked face. "Now, now, you'll have enough time to look at the tree later... for now, I need to introduce you to Parliament. Rachael, can you go get them?" He flew into the tree, and Hollypaw followed him. Princess Rachael did as she was told, H'rathruyan right behind her.

Hollypaw and King Hoole stopped inside the main hall. Owls of all species were chatting and conversing, but it all stopped as their eyes fell upon Hollypaw. The cat shuffled her paws, ears hot from the stares.

King Hoole wrapped a wing around Hollypaw's shoulder, leading her down a path. It seemed to be leading towards the roots.

After ten minutes of walking, they reached another hollow. This one wasn't as big as the main hollow, but it had perches set up around it. The two highest up were reserved for King Hoole and the Queen, Hollypaw figured, like Highledge back in the ThunderClan camp.

King Hoole flew to one of the high perches, and Hollypaw sat on the large rock that was set in front of it. After a few minutes, owls began to fly in.

A Barn Owl gave a squall of surprise. "My King, with all due respect, why in the name of Glaux is a cat in here!?"

King Hoole met his gaze. "I'll explain whenever the rest of us arrive, Tobyfyor."

Lord Tobyfyor flashed Hollypaw a distrusting glance, but sat on his perch. Eight other owls followed Tobyfyor, each looking at Hollypaw like she was some strange creature (which I suppose she was). Finally, a beautiful Spotted Owl flew to the perch beside King Hoole.

"I'm sure you're wondering why I've brought an Avian cat into the tree," he began. "And I don't blame you." Questions erupted around him, and King Hoole waited for them to die down before continuing.

"Hollypaw here has no place to go." He met each of the Parliament's gazes. "And not only that, but I saw a vision in the fire... I saw her, as I commander of a Ga'Hoole battle squad."

Hollypaw gasped. King Hoole saw something in the fire like she did?

A female Elf Owl raised her talons. "If I may, my King, how do we know that she had not simply taken over the tree?"

Murmers of agreement rippled through the crowd, and Hollypaw shivered. They weren't going to cast her out, were they?

But then she bristled. They didn't know who she was, and suddenly they just assumed she was going to kill them!?

"Just because I'm a cat doesn't mean I'm going to destroy you!" She growled. "Sure, I wasn't born here, but who cares!? My father saved my old Kingdom, and my mother used to be a medicine cat!! I was trained by one of our best Warriors, and I didn't purposely injure anyone!!

"And not only that!! H'rathruyan told me about the time just a year ago, when the Guardians allied themselves with Dire Wolves!! They aren't owls, are they!?" she gulped.

The Parliament was silent after her outburst. And then, a Great Horned Owl chuckled.

"And you would argue with that?" Theo The Blacksmith asked the Parliament.

"All in favor of allowing Hollypaw to stay, raise your starboard wing." King Hoole said cooly.

Six of the eight owls raised their wing. Hollypaw gave a sigh of relief as King Hoole smiled.

"Then it is settled." He declared. "She stays."

Warriors Of Ga'Hoole Book One: Wings Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now