Episode 4: Snakeway to Heaven

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"Hey, Whis, can I ask you for a favor?" Chichi asked.

"Of course, Chichi," Whis smiled.

"Is there a way to make this show more child-friendly? I'm worried for the kids."

Bulma held Bulla in her arms. "I gotta say, me and Vegeta have been having similar concerns."

"As have me and Krillin," Android 18 agreed.

"Don't worry, everyone," Whis smiled. "The Grand Minister was worried of upsetting the Grand Zenos with cursing, so he cast a spell so that those within a 50-mile radius of the videos and have a child-like sentience lack the ability to hear profanity. Watch."

Whis flies over to Buu and whispers into his ear. Buu looks at Whis.

"What you say to Buu?" he asked confused. "Buu only hear weird sound."

The parents seemed to be placated by this news, deciding to watch the video.

Kaiserneko: The following is a fan-based parody. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, and DragonBall GT are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release.

The scene opens up with a full view of Snake Way.

"It really is really long," Chichi stared. "I'm impressed you guys were able to run that."

"Well now a days I use Instant Transmission to visit King Kai," Goku said.

Narrator: Last time on Dragon Ball Z Abridged... Goku began his journey down Snake Way. ...Wait is that some kind of innuendo?

Roshi cackled at the line, causing Chichi to smash him on the head with a baguette.

"Don't waste food!" Beerus shouted.

Goku is seen running down Snake Way.

"It really is really long..." Goten says.

Goku (in his thoughts): This is going to be the longest, toughest journey I've ever made! I have to receive King Kai's training, and battle the biggest threat to the planet we've ever faced! I have to run as fast as I can—I have to keep running! For the sake of the Earth, humanity, and my fam—

The camera cuts to a sleeping Goku on a moving cleanup truck. The truck bumps into something, causing Goku to fall off Snake Way and down into the clouds.

"You fell asleep?" Krillin asked Goku, who chuckled nervously.

Goku (hits his head on Snake Way): OW, GAAAAAAAAA...

"Didn't that guy say that you'd fall all the way down to hell if you fell?" Chiaotzu said.

"He did," Tien nodded.

"I don't see why you couldn't just fly or use an energy blast," Vegeta rolled his eyes.

The opening sequence appears with Goku's scream fading out, which resumes at the end of the sequence.

"Anyone else still hearing Goku scream?" Whis asked.

"Music to my ears," Frieza smiled.

The scene changes to a screaming Goku falling straight into the depths of Hell.


Goku crashes hard onto the floor.

Goku (in pain): Oowwww...

"I don't recognize this hell," Frieza said. "Certainly, nicer than where I was."

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