Chapter 11

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October 31 17:00

It had been a month and twenty-six days since the new(er) House Hogwarts students were introduced to their new way of life, letters had been sent to parents the day after the change and the children had settled in nicely, we now re-join our heroes as they eat breakfast in the Great Hall.

"Hey, I just realized something!" Hailey exclaimed as she looked around at her friends

"What?" Harry asked "Why are you looking at us like that?"

"We have enough members for a Quidditch Team!" Hailey exclaimed and enjoyed listening to her friends and families exclamations of joy.

"Who would play what though?" Daphne asked

"We call Beaters!" Gred and Forge yelled

"We call Chasers!" Hailey, Heather and Neville yelled

"I'm Seeker!" Harry exclaimed

"I'm Keeper!" Draco yelled

"That was easy," Daphne said before asking "Who would be Captain though?"

Hailey looked around at the Quidditch team, "Cauldron, Parchment, Wand?" she asked and got many nods, "Ok, everyone who wants to be Captain, Step forward," Gred, Forge, Harry and Heather stepped forward, "Ok, I'll play Heather as the twins play each other, the winner of the twins' game plays Harry, The winner of that game plays the winner of mine and Heather's game, ok?" four nods, "Does everyone remember how to play?" three nods "OK, so Wand burns Parchment, Parchment breaks Cauldron, Cauldron snaps Wand Ok?" nine nods "On three, one...two...three!" calls of "Cauldron, Parchment, Wand!" Echoed around the room and all other conversations stopped, Hailey Snapped Heather's Wand, Fred Burned George's Parchment and Fred broke Harry's Cauldron. Soon enough it was down to Fred VS Hailey, "Three...Two...One, Cauldron, Parchment, Wand!" It was a tough battle before Hailey burnt Fred's Parchment, leading Hailey to be the ultimate champion...and the Quidditch Captain.

Daphne, who had been watching with half an eye after realising they were the main entertainment, cast a Sonorous before speaking "And there you have it ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, teachers and students, Hailey Lily Potter beats Fred Fabian Weasley and becomes the new House Hogwarts Quidditch Captain!" Thunderous applause leapt from all six tables in the Great Hall and Hailey blushed as she took a dramatic bow as her robes glowed for a second before revealing Hailey stood in her school robes with a new badge, looking closer you would see the Hogwarts logo and finely-printed golden letters saying Quidditch Captain quite the honour for any student, let alone an eleven year old third year.

Out of all who saw it, only one knew what the glow meant, even without seeing the badge. The Quidditch Captain was usually picked by the child's Head of House, not by Hogwarts herself. He needed to research. Excusing himself Albus Dumbledore made for the library, time to get some work done. 

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