Chapter 5

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September 1 20:00

The group of first years (and Professor Minnie) burst into the Great Hall and walked up the middle of the aisle between four long, oak tables each with a banner atop them, depicting what house it was. A red banner for Gryffindor, yellow for Hufflepuff, blue for Ravenclaw and green for Slytherin. Infront of them was a table for the teachers, decorated in blacks and golds. Once they had taken in their surroundings they looked up to see the ceiling-sky that their mum and dad told them stories about.

Before long the group found themselves looking at an old, patchwork hat on a rickety, oak wood stool. Everyone was staring at it, so the first-years did too and were surprised when a fold opened up like a mouth and started to sing!

(If you want to read the song read the books!)

The end of the song was greeted with a grand applause from all five tables and the first-years. Aunt Minnie stood to give them instructions.

"When I call your name, come up here, sit on the stool, I will place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses, Abbot, Hannah."

A small, red-haired girl walked up to the hat "Hufflepuff!"

The four Potters (or half-potters) tuned out before "Granger, Hermione" was called out and a short, slightly round face with frizzy brown hair and buck teeth practically ran to the hat and was nearly under it for four minutes before the hat yelled "Gryffindor" and (Once the hat was off) she sprinted to join the house of lions.

"Malfoy, Draco" was called out and he swaggered up to the stool, the hat hadn't even touched his head before "Slytherin" was echoing around the hall and he joined the rest of the TWATMLTBS team at the Slytherin table.

"Potter, Hailey" The room sobered at that, Neville had been sorted earlier and had joined House Hogwarts but his most prominent traits were that of the Badgers, where would the Potter-borns go? That was a very hard question for the hat to answer, this girl was brave and courageous like a Gryffindor, Kind and Loyal like a Hufflepuff, Hard-working and studious like a Ravenclaw and Ambitious and Cunning like a Slytherin. Like her adopted brother her most traits were that of one house, yet he wasn't going to put her in Ravenclaw he was going to put her in "House Hogwarts Most Prominent House: Ravenclaw"

Hailey got up giddily and walked to the newly-arrived table (Decorated in all four house colours, black and gold) and sat next to Neville and watched her siblings be sorted.

"Potter, Harry" Harry walked up to the stool and was barely under it for ten seconds before the hat was screaming "House Hogwarts! Most Prominent House: Gryffindor"

Everyone was stunned now so barely anyone registered the final Potter sibling being sorted "House Hogwarts! Most Prominent House: Slytherin" except her siblings.

It was silent for a moment before.

"Quince, Jessica" was sorted into "Slytherin"

Everyone was thinking the same thing, even if they didn't know it. This is going to be a long year. 

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