42| Epilogue

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Epilogue (Vince's POV)

Six years later...

I stood on the ice with the rest of the team, watching the crowd cheer loudly. This was my last game. Ever. It was time I put hockey behind me. I'm not twenty-five anymore and I'm not just Demi's fiancé anymore. I'm her husband and a father to two kids. Two beautiful kids. I have a family now that means more to me than hockey ever could. And it's time I retired from the sport and settled in.

I've played the sport since I was in college and I've given it plenty of years of my life and hockey has given me some of the best memories and enough money to support my family for the rest of our lives. It's time to let it go.

We requested for my final game to be played at our very own stadium, where it all started for me is where it should all end. The last time I looked at the room like this was six years ago when I proposed to Demi right here on this very ice. One year after that, we got married and tied the knot. Publicly and privately. No lies anymore.

We spent the next three years just enjoying each other's company as husband and wife. We'd travel somewhere new every off-season, we'd visit her parents, they'd visit us. Things got better with my dad and worse with my mom. I don't speak to her anymore, neither does my dad, nor does Demi, and the kids don't either. They hated her the moment they met her. And to be honest, she never tried to be their grandmother anyway. But Lilly does a lot for them. Sends them gifts, takes them out when she's here. Well, at least she takes out Paris, our daughter. Our son, Aiden, is still too little.

Three years after getting married, we had our daughter, Paris. And she is just like Demi. We do have a mini Demi now, finally. She looks like Demi, her hair is like Demi's, she talks like Demi, acts like Demi, sings like Demi, which is... scary.

Two years after that, we had Aiden. After that, we were over the moon about having our family and it being complete but then things got hectic for work and I was more tempted than ever to quit and give my time to my family. But Demi pushed me forward like she always has. And that brings us to the present, one year after that, and I'm finally ready to quit, the team is ready to let me go, and everything is perfect, it couldn't be better no matter what.

"Hunter! Hunter! Hunter!"

I scanned the crowd that was chanting my name, my eyes immediately landing on Demi and Vanessa. Paris was sitting in Vanessa's lap, a lollipop sticking out of her cheek, while Demi held onto Aiden. Aiden is only one year old, so it's still hard to tell who he's more like, but everyone says he looks like me. I hope he acts like me too because we don't need another little Demi.

I waved once at the crowd while holding onto my helmet and then skated off the rest of the team, the crowd clapping loudly.

The way Demi would run to me after a game, now Paris does. Demi still knocks before every game but now Paris does too. As I stepped out of the rink, the first yell I heard was. "Daddy!"

I looked over, setting my helmet to the side, and picked up Paris, tossing her up once, making her giggle before I caught her, patting her wild hair down. "Hey, gorgeous," I sang, nudging her chin with my knuckles.

Amelia ran past me and into Michael's arms. He chuckled, hugging her tightly and picking her up, spinning her around. Michael told me recently he's been thinking of retiring too, but he says he wants to play on the ice a little longer, so he's sticking around.

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