40| Surprise

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Chapter 40: Surprise (Vince's POV)

We were sitting in the living room, still thinking about what to do for the game next week when her phone rang. 

"It's my dad, one second." She answered it, putting it to her ear and a smile automatically appeared on her face. "Hi, Dad." I grabbed her wrist, pulling her into me as I lay down on the couch. She shifted and sat up, straddling me. 

My brows furrowed and I grabbed her shirt, yanking her forward. 

She smiled, brushing my hair back. "What do you mean?" she asked, blinking in confusion, her fingers stopping in my hair. She sat up abruptly. "You're here?! Where? Why? When? How come?" 

I sighed, sitting up. I forget about getting cuddles for the rest of the day. We have a new problem at hand. Her parents. Actually, I shouldn't be calling my future in-laws a problem. We have new guests at hand. 

"You're at Boston Logan International Airport?" She stared at me in disbelief before climbing off quickly. She pinched the bridge of her nose and ran a hand through her hair. "Please tell me you've booked a hotel room... No? No?!" 

I shot up, taking the phone out of her hands and putting it to my ear. 

"Vince!" she hissed. 

"Hello, Mr. Tim." 

She watched me in surprise. She never told me her parents' name but of course, I know it. I know her parents' names. 

"Uh... hello?" 

"This is Vince," I cleared my throat. 


"If you could tell me which gate you're waiting at, we'll be right there to pick you up." 

"Gate three." 

"We'll be right there." 

"We're looking forward to meeting you!" I heard Mrs. Lilly calling out. 

I chuckled softly, grabbing my keys. "So am I. See you soon." I let them hang up and then turned to Demi. 

"Are you crazy?!" she yelled. 

"Shh!" I scolded, putting a finger to her lips. "They can stay here." 


"They can stay here, Demi. I live in a penthouse, I have my room, you have your room despite staying with me, and I still have two guest rooms down here. We'll be fine. Plus, I'm sure it's just for a few days. Don't you miss them? They'll be here for my game, they'll have fun. Come on. Let's pick up your parents." 

"But I don't want you to—" 

"It's okay. I want to meet them and I want them to like me, okay? What did they say to you when you answered?" 

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