21| Interview

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Chapter 21: Interview (Demi's POV)

He was driving us back to my apartment after the game while I was reading off all his emails. They all poured in right after reporters sent out the pictures from tonight. Normally, they wait till the next day but tonight, they sent them out as soon as the game was over. I read through each email, only telling him the magazine names and the basics. I confirmed with the ones he said 'yes' to and replied with an email, the others I replied and said no, and a few I just ignored. But the last few I've told him about, he just keeps refusing. 

I frowned and turned to look at him when I realized what was happening. "Are you waiting for a specific magazine to reach out to you?"

He hummed and nodded once. He glanced at me and I knew instantly what he was about to do. 

I sat up straighter, my eyes wide. "City Scoop?" 


"Wh-what? Why? You do realize that City Scoop is the magazine responsible for all your bad press, right? They released the first article and they also released so many more and made sure they couldn't be taken down. City Scoop is the only magazine that hasn't taken any of your articles down yet. And you still want to work with them?" 

"That's exactly why I want to work with them, actually. They love ruining people's reputations, this is happening with me for the second time." He looked at me as we stopped at a red light. "They're the reason my last assistant was fired too. She leaked personal information to them because they offered to pay her. Then they revealed her name to the public and painted her out to be the bad guy despite being the ones who bribed her. I'm not the only one they do this to. It's happened to other guys on the team. They tried to make a scandal on Michael and Amelia but they weren't able to get any solid proof. I'm tired of their bullshit." 

"So you'll do an interview with them? How does that make sense?" 

He shifted gears and started driving as the light turned green. "This interview is my only chance at really giving them a piece of my mind. There's something you have to do when they reach out. Because they will, I know they will." 

I hesitated, "What do you want me to do?" 

"Make sure the interview is live." 

I stared at him. "That's a big bet. Isn't it too risky?" 

"If it's not live, they'll just cut out what I tell them." 

I thought for a minute, staring out the window. "Are you sure?" I faced him again. 

He nodded confidently. "I'm sure." His phone dinged in my lap with another email. 

I opened it to answer it, stopping when I read the name. 

City Scoop. 

I tapped on the email, reading it thoroughly. 

Dear Vince Hunter, if possible, we would like to schedule a one-on-one interview with you for this coming Monday, the 25th. Please let us know if you're interested and we'll get in touch with your assistant or manager to start preparing for the interview. You're free to come to our studio or choose the location as per your wish. Let us know. - City Scoop Magazine. 

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