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Troi's pov

"Captain, may I speak to you for a moment?" I asked, and I felt Will become inquisitive.

"Can it wait till later?" The Captain asked.

I smiled a bit "Yes, but I would prefer to tell you now so I don't forget later."

He nodded "Alright, in my ready room."

I followed him to his ready room and he asked "What did you need to talk about?"

I smiled "Captain, in a week you'll be getting a transfer request from my daughter."

He looked at me with an inquisitive look.


I nodded "Yes sir."

"I'm assuming you want me to accept it?"

I nodded "Yes please."

He nodded in agreement "Alright, I will look at her record before accepting the request."

"Who's the.." He started to ask. "Who's the father?" He asked softly.

"Will Riker."

He gave me a surprised look.

"Will Riker? Really?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Yes, Captain."

"Does he know?"

I shook my head "No, but she does."

"How old is she?"


"I don't think that's fair."

I nodded "I know, I've always been a bit worried about how Will would react."

He nodded "He will react the way you know he will."

I nodded "I do know him very well, I will tell him later."

There was a brief silence.

"Did you say a week?"

I smiled and nodded "She just graduated from the Academy."

He gave a shocked look, then smiled.

"She must be very smart. Graduated from the Academy when she's 17? Counselor that's not possible, people normally graduate when they are 20 or 21." He sat down in his chair and pulled his shirt down. (Lmao I had to bring it up)

I smiled "She is very smart, she was ahead of the other kids when she was going to school."

"She passed with flying colors I assume?"

I nodded "She's very determined."

"I'll say, I know someone else who is also 17 and in his second year as a cadet." He sighed softly.

"But 17? Can she read minds?" He asked.

I nodded "Yes she can, I don't know how, she's half-Betazoid."

He nodded "Well maybe you passed down a gene that wasn't activated."

"But she has it and it is activated."

"I think you should take genetics to better understand the situation Counselor." He suggested.

I smiled.

"I have taken it."

He smiled "Well maybe she was lucky."

"Do you think I should tell Will right now?" I asked.

He nodded "The sooner he knows, the longer he knows about his 17-year-old daughter."

The Captain tapped his communicator and he said "Commander Riker, please report to my ready room."

A few seconds later Will walked in and he asked "Is something wrong, sir?"

The Captain said "It is a personal matter between you and Counselor Troi, so I will leave." Then he left.

"What is it, Deanna?" He asked.

I sighed softly "Will, remember that night 18 years ago?"

He smirked for a second before he gave me a look of understanding "Yes, why?"

"Will, you have a 17-year-old daughter who is going to request transfer to the Enterprise."

He went quiet, and I felt his emotions go from inquisitive, to happy, to hurt.


I nodded "Yes."

"Why didn't you tell me, Deanna?" He asked.

"I felt anxious about how you would react."

He smiled "Deanna, you know me, I wouldn't give an overreaction, and you certainly know I wouldn't have gotten mad."

I nodded "I know."

"I have a daughter?" He asked and he got excited.

I smiled "Yes, you do."

"If you told me, I would've been there." He started feeling sad.

"She knows that."

He looked at me.

"She knows I'm her father?"

I nodded "Yes, she's known since she was 14."

"For 3 years she's known that I'm her father, but I didn't know that she even existed."

"Deanna, if I knew you had a child, I would've wanted to be there so she didn't go through what I did."

I sighed softly "I know, and I'm very sorry I didn't tell you."

"When will the request come through?"

"In at least a week."

He sighed in disappointment.

"Will the Captain accept it?"

"That's up to him, but I think he will." I smiled.



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