Football and Cuddles

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Hey! Sorry for the delay, life is life sometimes.

Niall, Ed, and Louis were sat on the couch eyes glued to the television where a goalie dives, blocking the flying ball from entering the goal.

"YESS!" shout the boys jumping to their feet in excitement.

"Did you see that save?" whistles Niall flopping back onto the grey couch. "His whole body, god are we lucky. I told you he was a good pick!"

Ed slumps back into the couch sighing, "Man, we are lucky that was too close."

The save is played thrice more. Announcers in awe of the great block.

"England 1 Italy 1" the announcer yells the crowd at the stadium screaming through the television.

The boys are quickly immersed back into the game. Occasionally yelling at the players. " What is he doing?" yells Louis angrily, " I could have done that play way smoother."

"A snort comes across the room as Harry walks in. Wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a tee-shirt. "I'd love to see you try." he snorts glancing at the score, groaning when he sees it's tied.

"Hazzz" protests Louis pouting, "You don't have any faith in me."

Harry just chuckles sitting down on the couch beside Louis, placing his head on the smaller boy's shoulder.

"You haven't played in years Lou, and besides when was the last time you went to the gym?" he says flicking Louis' messy hair.

"I ran with you yesterday!"

"You ran with him?" Niall asks astonished turning his attention towards Louis and Harry. "I'm still scared from the time he convinced me to go!"

"Runners are insane." Huffs Ed shaking his head,


"We already knew you were insane Harry, so don't act surprised." smiles Louis as his husband scrunches his legs together trying to get as close to him as possible.

Louis' arm slowly moves to wrap around Harry, who nuzzles his head into Louis' chest.

"What's the score?" murmurs Harry a bit later face pressed against Louis' hoodie.

"Two to one, England winning." Responds Louis gently playing with Harry's curls at the nape of his neck as Harry pumps his fist in the air triumphantly.

"Go! Go! yell Ed and Niall standing up excitedly eyes glued to the player frantically kicking the ball across the field.

"GOAL!" The four boys shout all jumping up from their spots on the couch.

"England winds 3 to 1 the announcer shouts as the boys celebrate the team's victory." Niall and Louis jump up and down chanting "ENGLAND! ENGLAND!"

Slowly the excitement in the room settles and the buys settle on the couch. Harry briefly leaves as the boys talk coming back with a blanket. He sits back down, nuzzling his head into Louis' chest.

"It's honestly really good. I'm pretty happy with it so hopefully, I'll try to get into the recording studio soon," explains Niall.

"Wait Harry, did you ever finish that song you were trying to write?" Asks Ed

"Ehh I'm working on it. I'm struggling with some wording do I'm just letting it sit a few days. I'm not a lyric genius like you." laughs Harry.

"Pfft, I wish I just can't find any inspiration lately." Ed shakes his head in disappointment."The struggle of not finding a word."

"Same mate!" Niall pipes up." You sit down to write and everything in your head just disappears."Niall sighs taking a look at his watch," I gotta get home lads, told my grandmama I'd call her by two. Don't want to keep her worrying."

"Do you want me to drive you?" offers Ed standing up from the couch.


"Mate it's literally pouring cats and dogs outside, take the offer." urges Louis.

"True. Thanks, Ed, ill take a ride," he says looking out the window decidedly.

"Bye lads, see you next week, my place calls Ed as the duo walked out of the room. Louis follows escorting them to the car.


"You okay?' asks Louis wrapping his hands around Harry's waist, nose buried in his t-shirt as Harry pours himself a cup of tea.

"I'm fine," he grunts." Sorry for being so clingy, I needed some cuddles," he explains hugging Louis' arms close to his chest.

"No love, I always want cuddles from you. Are you up for a film this afternoon?" He says gesturing to the window where the trees outside swayed in the wind, rain sliding down the window.

"Why not, not much else we can do today," he sighs, taking his warm tea into the living room, Louis close behind.

"What film?" asks Louis as the couple settles on the couch.

"Hmm, how about dead poets society, I've heard it's good."

Feeling very melancholy while writing this so DPS just felt right.

Louis turns on the film and the two boys nestle into each other's touch. Louis planting a soft kiss on Harry's head. Continuing to play with Harry's hair, watching his sweet boy's eyes fill with concern as he watches the film.

As the film progresses Harry takes hold of Louis' other hand, nuzzling his nose into Louis' neck.

"I love you, Lou," he whispers looking into the boy's beautiful blue eyes. A small smile lifts Louis' cheeks as he kisses Harry, "Love you to Haz." he murmurs.

The movie ends and both boys are clutched within each other's embraces, treats staining their cheeks.

"Why do you choose such sad films Haz?"

"Did you not like it? Asks Harry, eyebrows furrowed.

"No, no, I just wasn't expecting to cry love, that's all," reassures Louis taking hold of Harry's hands, resting his head in the crook of Harry's neck. Sighing loudly.

Harry slowly shifts Louis so that he can lay down, Louis laying on top of him, eyes peacefully closed hands still clutching Harry's. Slowly the two boys fall into a peaceful slumber safe within each other's embrace.

Too sad? Just right? Less fluff? What are y'all thinking?

Have a really great day! You are strong and marvelous in all your own ways. Don't let anyone tell you differently.



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