Tears & Cigarettes

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Yes, this was inspired by Taylor's song Champagne Problems. I absolutely love the song and the sorrowful taste it leaves in your mouth. Am I being too descriptive? But honestly love the song. Taylor's such a queen.  

Louis watched as a single raindrop slid down the train window as he lit a cigarette, closing his swollen eyes. Outside, the world was grey and lifeless; as if the storm had seeped any color from the world. The feeling of sorrow and regret hung heavy in the air as trees and houses zipped by. The train rattling farther and farther from home. Away from his sunshine that once blessed his warm skin, now cold with long dried tears. 

The sound of his phone stirred him from his thoughts, as it lit up in the dark compartment. A new text from his youngest sister and a text from Harry. He was trying to ignore him. He missed him with every bone in his body, but Louis couldn't let his heart be broken by such a simple memory. A simple day. A simple smile. Bright green eyes and messy curls.

He just couldn't do it anymore. Fearing he would mess up. Hurt the only thing left in his life worth living for. That didn't mean he wished he couldn't have taken it back.

Harry had begged him to stay. Tears in his beautiful green eyes as Louis packed his clothes into a small suitcase.

"Lou, please," he had begged. "Please, I'll fix it. I'm sorry, Lou, please stay. Do you think I don't love you? I don't care if you mess up. I just want you to stay. Please. Louis."

The memory from hours ago brought unshed tears to his eyes. Harry had yelled his name over and over as he had walked out of the room and out the front door. His voice full of desperation, but Louis couldn't do it to him. 

This was better. 

They had told him it would never work out. That one of them would get hurt in the end. How could Louis have known that neither of them would leave unscared? The ink on his arms only further reminded him of the green-eyed boy who had changed his life. He couldn't imagine a life without Harry. Reluctantly, he turned on his phone and called Harry. The phone rang once, twice, three times before going to voicemail.

"Hi Harry," Louis' voice faltered. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be calling you. I know you hate me right now, but please know I love you from the moon and back and back again. I always will, please don't let me drag you down. Let your boat sail free. Go live life, be happy. Spread your sweet smile. Please, for me?" He says choking on tears."I love you." he whispers through the phone, before ending the call. Louis rested his head on the cool window, closing his eyes. Silently dwelling in his sorrow as the train drove on into the dark stormy night.

This was how he wanted it. He would do anything for Harry's freedom. Anything to see his pretty green-eyed boy smile.

Anyone else really want a Taylor and Louis collab? Like the lyrics would be superior.

Have a really great day! You are strong and marvelous in all your own ways. Don't let anyone tell you differently.



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