Sunscreen, Smiles, & Sunshine

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Hey! This story is based in like 2010 2011 ish. Fetus Era days!

Hope you enjoy!

"Harreh!" Yells Zayn farther down the sandy beach. The five boys had wanted to go to the beach for quite some time now and had finally gotten the chance.

The weather was perfect for a fun and relaxing day at the beach. The sun had burned through the early morning clouds and now the sky was a clear blue. The smell of the ocean moving around the beach with the light breeze.

"The holes ready!"

Harry sprang up from sunbathing in the sun and ran over to where Niall and Zayn had created a hole. Previously that morning the trio had decided that they would try and bury Harry in the sand. 

"Ready?" giggled Niall as Harry climbed down into the hole.

"Wait! Wait!" yells Louis him and Liam running towards them from the waves.

"We want to help." explains an exasperated Liam as they reached the three other boys. "We're going to need some water if we want to pack the sand in."

I got that!" Niall said running off to grab a bucket.

Louis turned to Zayn as he sat down in the soft sand."I'll help pack it down. Zayn, you throw the sand on and I'll pack it."

"I'll watch and make sure you don't accidentally kill Harry."

"Do you not trust us?" screeches Zayn flailing his arms and throwing his shovel into the sand.

"Got water!" Niall calls pouring it into the sand beside Zayn's shovel.

"This was a bad idea," mumbles Harry sitting up in the hole.

"No, no. lay down." The boys' order.

"Harry is quickly covered in a layer of sand. A damp layer on top of that.

"Stop wiggling curly!!" complains Louis trying to put sand back over Harry's toes that had popped out the top.

"I'm trying!"

"Just stay still," complains Louis as he violently punches the sand above Harry's thigh.

"Oww!" Harry yowls as all the boys fall into a fit of giggles.

"Why'd you do that?"

"You didn't stay still," Liam says, directing Zayn to put more sand near Harry's arm.

Twenty minutes later, Harry was fully buried beneath the sand. Except for his head that he wiggled back and forth trying to escape.

"Haha! Harry, you look ridiculous."Laughs Niall as Louis sprinkles Harry's curls with sand.

"Louis!!" complains Harry jerking his head away as sand trickles down onto his face.

"But I like your curls!" pouted Louis dropping the remaining sand in his fist.

"You cracked our masterpiece!" gasped Zayn.

Harry looked down to see a crack in the sand stretching from his buried left shoulder to his stomach. He used this as a chance to escape his sand imprisonment. Slowly he wiggled underneath the many layers of sand which quickly cracked. Freeing his torso.

"Ahh! I have sand in my trousers!" Yells Harry hopping around as sand spills from his trousers.

"Just go in the ocean and wash it out." offered Liam rationally.

Harry obeyed his suggestion running towards the dark blue waves. Niall and Louis, not far behind.

Someones got to stay behind. Don't want Zayn to be all alone.

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