Chapter 8: The Python Household

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Chapter 8: The Python Household.

"Dad I'm home, my friend and I will stay here tonight hope it's alright!" Harry hurtled out as his deep voice echoed through the gigantic building. He turned his head to me and examined my reaction to his beautiful house. Obviously I had seen pictures of here before, seeing as how my dad sent men in once a month to take pictures and check what the Pythons were up to. So I'm just going to think of this as some sort of mission! I decide it is quite necessary I put on the amazed facade as my eyes begin to glide accords the familiar walls.

"Wow! Your house is amazing, such beautiful detail. How many stories tall is this place?" 4 - I know. But Harry has to believe a different story. He just chuckles whilst shaking his head.

"4. Want to go explore?" I nodded my head enthusiastically and followed his steps. "Where do you want to start?" I looked around thinking of where was most exciting. I patted my chin pretending to think really hard.

"I don't mind it's up to you." I let out. I could tell I had passed the thinking over to him as he looked over his shoulder to the grand staircase. That cheeky smirk spread across his lips as he turned to face me.

"Race you to the top!" He began moving his legs towards the stairs and mine followed in suit. I'm now beginning to realise it's not good to let boys come up with plans. As we passed each floor I would look around to see who was about, so far I've only seen one maid. We were approaching the final step that lead to floor 4 and as soon as we hit touchdown Harry hunched down and pointed his finger towards me, "I won this round."

What is he talking about there is no other rounds, "What do you mean this round?" I hope there is no more running. Dance is hard enough, I mean this boy is real sporty. He pays of well to his abs but I really don't need this extra exercise in my life.

He looked me in the eye and did a small, quick smirk "I'll tell you when we get there." He gave me a quick wink and focused his mind on our next activity. "I want to introduce you too my dad," he saw the worried expression on my face and rushed towards me "Oh no don't worry, this isn't some weird rushed relationship thing." I'm relieved but that wasn't what I was worried about, "My dad just gets very angry and suspicious if he isn't made aware of who is in his house."

I nod my head agreeing with his words, "My dad is the same." I don't know if his dad will recognise me or not. Will he ask for my name? Why doesn't Harry even know the name 'Redfarm' is a big no-no to his family? I mean I don't care, in fact I'm grateful Harry doesn't realise who I am! "You can lead the way."

I've never felt so nervous in my life, this could be the last moment I have freedom. If it were up to any Python member I would be locked up in the cellar forever, being forced to give them information. "Ok, but it's just through this door." He pointed to his left and opened the door pushing me in.

His dad sat at a desk that looked a million miles away, "Dad, meet Bonnie."


This chapter is possibly the shortest thing ever but I've been so carried away with school work this is all I've had time for. Please comment if you want me to make this chapter longer.

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