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Hey there, human being. I am Grace Collins. You can say I am quite clumsy, sloppy sometimes, moody and weird but, I have so much to be happy.

I have my talent. The talent I've had for almost ten years now. I can still remember the first time I played the piano. I was 6 that time when I really got curious with the church choir. There is one sound that I couldn't seem to forget. I just can't get it out of my head. Daddy said it was probably the guitar. So one time, I really can't contain the curiousness anymore and I went to the place where the choir plays. The church already ended so the choir singers weren't there to stop me from invading their place. I looked around to find that sound. I tested and tried all of the instruments I saw. It was quite a scandal. Everyone came inside the church maybe because they heard someone playing. Then, I saw that instrument.

It caught my eye.

It stole my attention.

Those black and white bars on top of a table.

I climbed on top of a chair to touch that mysterious yet majestic thing.

And then I played it, music filled my ears as I finally found what I've been looking for. I closed my eyes as I pretend to play that thing even if I don't know how to. Suddenly, mom and dad came to stop me. I still remember the exact words I said to them;

"Mum, dad. I found the guitar!"

They laughed, "No honey, that's called a piano."

I got so amused when I heard it's name. It was truly love at first sight.

I have my best friend. Alyssa has been my friend since kindergarten. She was the first to give me an apple back then. In exchange, I gave her my sandwich. Those simple exchanging of stuffs, started an epic kind of friendship. She is crazy, I am quite one. She is loud, I am sometimes. But in my defense, she always talks to me so it would be rude if I didn't answer her, I am not that kind of best friend. But the best thing is that, we're there for each other no matter what. She's there when I have problems in life and love. I am there when she have some problems about school. My life wouldn't be complete without Aly. That's certain for sure.

I have my boyfriend. Yeah, I am very thankful that I have him as my boyfriend.
He's my first and I hope he will be the last. He's very caring, loving and supportive; traits you wouldn't find in guys these days. He's one in a million. I can't lose him. I love him so much.

I have the best parents in the whole world. You don't hear that from 16 year old teenagers that much. But, I am really proud of them. They provide me all of the things I need. They raised me well. They try their best to spend time with me and talk to me. I could not ask for more.

Some say I am still sixteen. Life couldn't be sweeter when you're sixteen. My eyes see only perfection in simple things. They say that life for me is just starting. Obstacles and downhills are along my way. But, who am I to worry about those and taint the life I am currently blessed with? 

Besides, what could go wrong in the life of a 16 year old girl?

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