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In the time of cave men were people couldn't communicate a cave woman called Hilda birthed a child, it was a boy he had long ginger hair and beautiful brown eyes and Hilda decided to call the boy Elden.

Hilda raised and looked after Elden and the best she could and her cave people tribe preformed a ritual of good luck on Elden making sure he had the best life.

Later when Elden was 18 Hilda decided it was now time for her son to go and hunt with the other tribes people and she gave him a big wooden club and smiled for him to go with them and have fun.

Elden ran and followed the tribes people into the wilderness and some boar went past and the tribes leader Ungo pointed at a massive fluffy boar and commanded the tribe to attack.

The tribe snuck slowly to the boar but a rival tribe of the uck toes jumped out of the bushes and the boar's ran off.

Ungo commanded to attack the tribe and they fought some of the rival tribe were knocked to the ground in one swipe.

Elden said to Ungo he wanted to fight but Ungo told him to let the adults fight them off because he was too young and didn't want to have him hurt.

Then one rival tribesmen went to Elden and knocked him in the head with his club and he fell to the floor unconscious.

Suddenly Elden woke up in a field and he saw a bright glowing yellow light in the distance, he followed the light and he heard it call to him.

He was mezmerized by her soft voice.

Elden ran towards the golden light and he got closer and saw a woman in a golden dress in the light, she spoke to Elden and she was surprised that it worked.

Elden asked who she was and she explained she is Eve, a time traveler from the year 500, she told Elden he wouldn't believe that in the future they'd be living in space stations high above the Earth and flying cars and soon there will be an apocalypse destroying everything and everyone and Elden and Eve will be the only survivors.

She said Elden must catch up to her time so they can    
Repopulate together, Elden had more questions and asked if he was really seeing this because he thought he was dead and how will he survive to Eves time.

Eve explained the curse his parents put on him made Elden immortal so he can never die, he was just the perfect fit for Eve.

Eve dissapeard and told Elden to meet her in the far future, Elden put his hand up and told Eve to wait but she vanished and was gone, but surely they'll meet again.

Suddenly Elden woke up with his tribe around him and in bed, Ungo saw his eyes open and asked if he was ok? because he was stabbed in the chest with the spike of the club but the wound closed up miraculously it was like a miracle and Ungo thought Elden had special powers.

Elden's eyes went big and told Ungo that he saw a beautiful woman basked in golden light and her name was Eve and she was the most beautiful women he'd ever seen, the others laughed in disbelief and didn't believe him  they thought it was a joke.

Elden told Ungo that the woman basked in light told him about an disaster thousands of years from now and he has to meet this woman to escape it, he had to go and find her, Ungo laughed and said he'll never catch up with this woman because the cavemen species will be dead or have evolved by then Elden explained the woman in the light told him the curse his mom put on him was immortality.

Ungo once again laughed but Elden raised his hands in front of him and thought if he could survive a bash to the head with a club witch would have killed any of the others maybe he really was immortal and thought maybe he could try and live to the future and find this mysterious Eve.

Ackli his best friend stood next to the stone bed and put his hand on Elden's shoulder and told him to ignore Ungo's laughing and to achieve his dreams.

Elden thanked her and then asked Ungo to leave to he could get some rest without the others bothering him, Ackli could stay though.

Ackli asked how does Elden plan on living forever and asked if he will miss the tribe?

Elden patted her shoulder and said of course he'll miss the tribe. But most importantly he will miss Ackli because she was there for Elden and gave him happy memories and helped through rough times.

Ackli smiled and asked how he'll live though changing times because right now the world was evolving and things were becoming different,

Elden said he'll just learn to adapt to the setting.

Ackli wished Elden good luck on this journey finding the mysterious woman.

Elden thanked Ackli and went out of the tent to play outside in the mud with his friends.

The next day Elden heard men yelling to attack the tribe and he crawled out of his tent wielding his bat and saw men carrying sticks with fire on them, they had already set fire to the tents and he saw them alight with smoke up in the air.

Elden heard the tribe leader Ungo and Ackli screaming for help, Elden thought he could use his immortality to save them.

Elden rushed to the tent and saw Ungo and Ackli trapped under a large piece of wood, Elden got a bucket of water that one of the tribes women got from the lake and threw it on the flames extinguishing the fire.

He went in the tent and tried to lift up the wood but he was too weak he didn't have super strength just immortality, Ungo looked at Elden and pointed at him and said to forget them and save himself, as flames engulfed the tent Ackli looked at Elden and asked Elden to remember him, a tear fell down Elden's cheek as he ran out the tent and out the back way of the tribal home so that the attackers didn't notice him.

Once he was far enough Elden made camp in the outskirts of the forrest, his home was burnt to a crisp and his tribe was gone all that was left was him, he was the last tribes person standing, he was lonely now it was his mission to truly find Eve no matter what it took.

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