Chapter 1

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Anayiah's Point of View

(Flash Back)

The sun was setting on the beach it was amazing but I just broke up with the girl who I thought was the love of my life. But I guess I was wrong because I just caught her making out with a guy in our room. We dated for 6 Months and she just betrayed me, fucking bullshit. What did I do to deserve this shit?

My thoughts were stopped when I someone tapped me. I looked back to find a beautiful woman in a bikini. "Are you okay?" She asked me a question but I was so blinded by her beauty that I didn't answer.

"Um yeah I'm fine." I answered I expected her to leave as soon as I said that but she stayed. And she gave me a hug and said "I know you're not okay." I cried as she comforted me.

We talked and after that I never saw her again after that I never even got her number.

(End of Flash Back)

I forgot I was in class and apparently there's a new girl. She looked hot! But also, very familiar.

"Class this is Brooklyn she's a transfer student from New York, and she's going to be going here for 2 years." For once I paid attention to what the teacher was saying and not trying to flirt with girls for answers to the worksheet-.

Was this the girl that I met on the beach? It couldn't be It's just way to random for her to be here where I go to school ain't no way that's her. "Brooklyn you can sit next to Anayiah." She nodded and sat next to me.

"Class just know dorms are being re-assigned this year so you'll be roommates with the person to the right of you." I looked to the right of me and who was there? Brooklyn, the one girl I didn't want to be stuck with for the rest of my college career.

"Well I guess we're roommates now." I said with an awkward laugh and smile. "I guess so." She said as she turned the other way as she started to blush. So she does know me.

(After School)

I went to the main office and grabbed my dorm keys. "So Brooklyn-" "Call me Brook." I blushed inside when she said that. "So umm you want to go check the dorm out or what?" I asked shyly. "Sure why not this rich ass school has to have something cool." She said and chuckled.

She looks cute when she's herself.

So we checked out the dorm and it was huge! It was basically a townhouse with other dorms that happen to be townhouses. "Well I'm goingw shopping for some clothes wanna come with?"

Is she asking me out on a date?


We went to the mall and she went to fucking Victoria Secret. "Are you going to buy something or are you just gonna watch me?" I realize that I didn't tell her- If we ever made it to 3rd base that would've probably been unexpected.

"I'm intersexual."

"Oh-" She said surprised blushing in front of me. "Must have a big dick." She whispered to herself underneath her breathe. "I'm sorry what?" I asked her. "I didn't say anything you said something?" I'm just going to pretended like I didn't hear her.

She went to try on some lingerie and I think she's doing this to tease me.

(Brooklyn's Point of View)

I'm not gonna lie I did recognize her in class, but since we're room mates now I can try to get with her. Why I didn't try to date her the first time we met isn't important. But right now I'm trying to play dumb so I can make her dominate me. When the time comes of course.

I tried on the lingerie and it looks amazing so why not tease her with it. I went outside the changing room and saw her on her phone. "So what do you think?" She looked up and looked amazed by how it looked on me. "You look hot!" She exclaimed. "Did I say that out loud-"

"Yes you did but it's fine."

I bought around 3 bags worth of underwear and lingerie. "So where you wanna go Anayiah?" I asked her. "We can go to Forever 21." I nodded and said "Sure."

Well we finished shopping we went to like 5 different stores and I got into the car and asked. "So where else you wanna go?" I asked as she looked at my chest. "We could go look for some furniture?" "That's a great idea."

We went to the furniture store and we checked out the beds and there was this one bed that was so soft. "Oh my gosh this bed is so soft! You need to try this." "I don't know-"

"You want me to get off to make you more comfortable?" I got off the bed and she hopped on. She was just laying there and I just laid right next to her. And to my surprise she wanted to talk.

"So why are you pretending like you don't know me?"

She gave me a fucking pity face and I swear she knows how to use it.

"I just thought it was one bad day and it wouldn't matter if you saw me again because you'd probably move on with your life and forget about me."

"You helped me through some hard times I'm not gonna lie. But I wouldn't just forget about you like that. I'm not a bad person if you get to know me I'm actually very funny and loyal."

Personally I think she's lying because she has a face and a ego of a player so I don't know if I can really trust her right now. Especially since she was going through a break up the last time she saw me. She's probably just looking for another girl so she could get over her ex to help her ego.

"Is all this really coming from a player?"


Hello Everyone it is I, the Author I hope that
you all Enjoy the First Chapter of "Memory At sunset."

Please stay tuned for more chapters.

Thanks for Reading😍😘

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