Matt Imagine

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You and Matt were beginning to get closer to each other everyday. You wondered, If Matt would ever ask you out.


"Yes?" You yelled back down to your best friend.

"Want to go to the beach?" He yelled to you.

"Yeah, sure!" You yelled back down to him.

You began to get ready as quickly as you could.

You grabbed a beach bag, and started throwing as many things that could fit, into it.

You threw on your bikini, and some shorts and began to make your way down the stairs.

"I'm ready." You said to him while slowly walking towards him.

"Wow." Matt muttered out while looking at you.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." You told him while making your way towards the door.

You started to wonder why he was looking at you weirdly.

"Maybe, he likes me?" You said quietly to yourself.

"Wait, no. He couldn't like me. It would ruin our friendship." You told yourself once again.

You finally began to walk towards Matt's car to see him waiting for you.

"What is the first place we are going to hit up at the beach?" He asked while looking you up and down once again.

"Matt, seriously, why do you keep looking at me like that? Do I have something on me? What is wrong with me?" You asked while desperately wanting him to tell you he liked you. You have liked him for the longest time now.

"Y/n, I'm going to be honest. I haves liked you for a long time now. I know, I am risking our friendship, but would you like to consider us going to the beach, as a date?" He asked you while looking into your eyes.

"Matt...this will ruin our friendship." You told him while looking away from his eyes.

"But.." You started once again.

"I am willing to risk it."

You both looked into each other's eyes once again, and your lips began to lean closer and closer, until they finally met.

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