💫Quote Three💫

14 4 1

❤ Mixed up feelings are pretty annoying ❤

~ Tanaya Gopal

Many a times, especially in our teens we tend to get those muddled, puzzling and mixed up feelings. Those pleasant yet discontenting ones, positive yet bitter ones, happy yet giving bad vibes etc. etc. etc. They get on our nerves and literally annoys us at every hour of the day.

We as teens have many things to worry about. Studies, career, parent's expectations, peer pressure etc. And thus, we experience those mixed up feelings out of this. Sometimes we are pleased and sad all at once. At times we like someone but then feel left out by the same person and the we can't decide whether we like that person or not. There's pain hidden even in a smile and there's happiness even in tears.

Having mixed feelings or being in two minds about something is when you have opposing but equally valid views about something. But thats quite natural and happens probably with everyone. Don't add to it by worrying more about it.

To overcome such mixed up and to manage confusing emotions just keep your mind in peace. Observe your feelings but don't judge them. Don't pressure yourself thinking more n more about it. Let things progress slowly and don't panic. 


Author's note - Hope you all liked it. Do comment and upvote. I've noticed that number of people read it but doesn't vote. Thats discouraging. Please vote and comment,  anything would be appreciated. 

With love, 

Tanaya ❤

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