Chapter 2

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Ashlyn was going to see her boyfriend Noah, but an argument ensued with Mason..

A: " Hi, I came to tell you that I am going to see Noah and I am extremely happy! I look good?"

M: "Yes.. you look.. amazing but you will not go anywhere, stay here with me." (locks the door)

A: "I don't understand why you can't stand Noah, he's my boyfriend after all and you have no right to forbid me to see him."

M: "No, he's not your boyfriend, he doesn't deserve you and all he does is make fun of you"

A: "It 's not true, you just say that to separate us! Let me go"

Ashlyn started pushing Mason to let her go and he pushed her onto the bed, leaning over her and telling her:

M: "He don't deserve you, you're just another girl he wants to have sex with and then let her down! I won't let him make fun of you! I care about u Ash.."

A: "Ok as you say"

Mason went downstairs and ordered pizza, while Ashlyn was looking for a Netflix movie to watch together.
He went back upstairs to Ashlyn and asked her:

M: "Do you want to come and make popcorn together? "
A: "Yes"

After they made the popcorn, Ashlyn went to the bathroom and then came back and asked Mason:

A: "Can you give me a glass of water please? "
M: "Yes of course"

She accidentally spills water on her and Mason offers to help her wipe

A: "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't want to"
M: "It's ok it's just water"

Mason offers Ashlyn a T-shirt of his own to change....

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