Skills and qualities :)

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What Makes a Good Precure/ Magical Girl?

This chapater will be all about skills and qualities a magical girl, maninly precure should posess to become the best they can be :)

This is my personal opinion and there are many I might miss out so I do reccomend doing your own research and make your own opinion :)

Kindness: For me; even though kindness isn't nessersery to become a Magical girl, kindness is a important trate a Magical girl should strive for. However, I do not agree with the "people can't learn to be kind" opinion that has been going around. Some of us aren't born kind, espesualy when you see the 'mine' stage of a kids develepment :) Kids can be selfish sometimes, inpatient and won't share with others. BUT, they change, we change! So no matter what people may say, even if kindness is considered a quality, you can still learn to be kind and help others :)

Confidence: This is a big one although it seems small. I have been going through this journey recently and it's a quite bumpy road. If you haven't got confidence you wouldn't be able to fight a monster or bad guy, have the courage to ask someone if they need help or maybe even leave the house. For me, forcing yourself to do things like going to a club, getting work experience and even going for a walk can boost confidence and productivity! The more you are out, the more you are likely going to get into a MG situation.

However, there is a difference between confidence and Ego. But also, don't beat youself up about it or anything that has happened in the past. As long as you are trying your best to become better that's all that matters :)

Teamwork skills: This is; in my opinion, one of the most complicated to get right and to read up about. Not everyone is a natual born leader. However, it doesn't matter if you are in a team or not, this skill is key to be a MG. Even Puella Magi sometimes have to team up to fight a common enemy so even if it's just reading up about it, learning more about team work is a good idea :)

( You don't have to be amazing at team work or even good at it but again trying to be better is all that matters :) )

Communication: This links to team work and.... basically everything. There is a reasion why employers are looking for this, it's extreemly important even though again it sounds very simple. You need communication skills for jobs, team work and espessually for relationships (friends and partners). I highly reccomend researching more about it :)

(My school hasn't done this task very well... and I know you don't need a lecture on what is verbal and non verbal communication for 7 hours straight.)

I want to tag this at the end :) Learning Martial arts can really help you as a MG! However you do NOT need to know any to become a MG but as it can help you with confidence, communication skills, teamwork (as you will probably be training with another person) and fighting skills, it's a reccomendation that I would strongly look into :) It also good for health reasions and defending yourself!

I would also recomend some exercise in your sceduel :) Maybe just 5 to 7 minuites a day can really help! You can do running or lifting weights, maybe consider Yoga or Tai Chi! There is loads of tutorials and videos on it on youtube and you can do it at home : ) Even dancing is a good exercise! Having good stamina will be important when you are fighing a monster or bad guy for a long time :)

I found this artical which I thought was very interesting and informative!

I hope this chapter has helped you :)

I hope you have a great day!! :)

Cure Comet :) 

Ps: Sorry if I have spelling mistakes in any of my work, I haven't got a word editing softwere at the moment. The only one I have is word supplied by... school. I can't trust school with any of this. I hope you understand :) 

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