Bloody Battle

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The sounds of groans, heavy breathing, whistle of strong wind and even the thumping of heartbeats can be heard especially for them that prepared themselves in charged toward the hell war between humanity and demons. There was 2 sides in that field which obviously can be seen. One side was lead by King of Elves, Choi Tzuyu which he had been throne in short time and he succeed in convinced others races to join under him defended Human World meanwhile the other side was lead by Demon King where he used Yoo Jeongyeon's body to stay alive in this world and wanted to take over Human World.

So, here began the tragic moments that will be a part of history in future.

Tzuyu that escaped from Daniel's tricks now stood with cold expressions on his face looked at Daniel with his dark auras behind him. Daniel showed his evil smirked and also let out his yellow lightning magic around his body ready to fight with Tzuyu. Both of them charged their attack and fought with magic hand in hand combat. Their battle became more and more fierce since Tzuyu had high skills in archery and also hand in hand combat while Daniel had very smart and intelligence brain where he could plan his attacks and assume his opponent's moves thus he was very fast with his lightning magic. The battle started to favour to Daniel as Tzuyu got beaten hard as he could not catch up with the movements of his opponent. Furthermore, every attacked launched by him got dodged by Daniel and he got distracted with it which the cause of he get beaten.

Then, he kept a few distance from Daniel since he knew he can't won with hand in hand combat. He changed his strategy that will benefit him and needed his abilities. A bow and an arrow appeared in his hands once he got away from him. He shot an arrow toward Daniel but it's not an ordinary arrow since it split up into 10 arrow.

Daniel saw it and dodge it hurriedly as he doesn't expect the sudden move by Tzuyu. Unfortunately, he got shot by a few arrow toward his body. He flinched and hissed in pain. He pulled out the arrow from him and tried to move. However, almost whole his body got paralyzed. He just realized that the arrow contain poison from Elves races.

Tzuyu smirked in victory as he saw Daniel fell in his trap. Daniel was in range and madness. His blood boiling. He tried to bare and escape from the paralyzed but looked like miserably failed. Tzuyu moved closer to him and aimed for his head.

Unfortunately, at the moment he shot his arrow, Daniel shouted in range let out all of his power that left in his body. It produce the strong wavelength that cause Tzuyu threw away and his arrow break I pieces. Tzuyu in sat position tried to get up but speechless once he saw Daniel's condition.

Daniel was surrounded with spark of golden lightning strike and his whole body turned into big muscle guy. His hair turned to golden and his eyes turned to completely white. He with half naked body where his shirt got ripped by the strong wavelength stood proudly while gritted his teeth since he really mad and doesn't want to get beat by Tzuyu.

Every steps he walked, the ground around him cracked due to the pressure of his overpowered body. Then, in milliseconds, without Tzuyu realized, Daniel already in front of him even he was move forward toward him a little bit. Tzuyu got beaten hard since he can't even defense and dodge all attack from Daniel.

The last punch with strong electroshocked magic cause Tzuyu threw away and cough in blood. Whole of Tzuyu body stunned and felt jittery. He can't even able to think and moved any parts of his body. He laid on the ground weakly with smoke and injured body. He knew he could not able to do anything.

' Will I able to survive? Damn it. How I can be such easy loser at this time?' asked Tzuyu to himself while surrender himself toward Daniel.

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