3. Avengers party

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Peter Parker : 24
Mj Parker-Jones : 24
Peter and Mj got married but on their honey moon Mj got pregnant, Peter did not tell any of the Avengers and Peter and Mj were invited to an Avenger party and are about to tell people

Peter and Mj are getting ready for a Avengers party. Mj was Peters plus one but the thing is, Peter forgot to mention, Mj was 6 months pregnant.

"Mj are you ready?" Peter asked
"Yep, almost ready Pete." Mj responded
Peter looks over at Mj and sees her outfit. She was wearing a light blue dress that was not tight per say, but because of stomach it has become tight "Mj your bump looks so good in that dress"

She did look great in the dress though. She always looked good in that dress but the fact that Mj is carrying his child makes everything about it so much better

"Thanks dork, we should probably get going" Mj says as she puts her shoes on
"Yah we should" Peter says

At the party

"Peter, Mj how have you been-when did that happen?" Tony says while pointing to MJ's stomach
"6 months ago" Peter says with a smile
"Your honeymoon" Tony says letting out a little chuckle
"Our honeymoon" Peter and Mj also letting out a small chuckle
"Well congratulations you guys. Do you know the gender? Tony asked in a curious tone
"Yes a boy" Mj says, now holding on to her stomach
"Well again congrats, wait let me just get Pepper, she'll be surprised and I want to watch her reaction" Tony says while looking around for her and finally spotting Pepper and calling her over
"Tony what do you want" Pepper says while walking over
Then Pepper looks down and sees a baby bump on the one and only Mj "Ohh my god, Mj your pregnant!" Pepper says happily
"How far along are you" Pepper asks
"6 months or 23 almost 24 weeks" Mj sees Pepper doing the math in her head
"The baby was conceived on me and Peters honeymoon" Pepper starts to shake her head
"Yep yah yah that's what I thought... well congrats you guys I'm so happy for you" Pepper is smiling so Peter and Mj smile in return
"Thank you Pepper"

Peter and Mj start walking around and they see Natasha with Clint, Thor and Steve, so Mj and Peter walk up to them to say hi

Mj stands next to Peter, but more behind him then in-front of him, because of that they don't notice right away but Natasha looks down and sees it
"Mj are you..." Natasha asks, Clint, Thor and, Steve still oblivious of what was happening
"Yes" Mj says with a big smile
"OMG congratulations" Natasha says while giving Mj a tight hug
"Why are we celebrating?" Clint asks Natasha
"Clint.. really, Thor, Steve do you know what's going on?" They shake there head no
"Guys.. Mj is pregnant" at that moment, you could see it just click in their brains
"Ooooh, I get it now, congrats on the baby" Clint says in the kindest tone he has
"Congrats kids" Steve says after Clint
"Congratulations Bug man and wife of Bug man" Thor says last
"If you don't mind me asking, didn't you guys get married like months ago?" Steve asks
"Well.. Steve we did 6 months ago, and I'm 6 months pregnant, and I don't want to go into detail but you can do the math"  Mj answers Steve's questions
"Oh.. ooooh I get it..ok" Steve says, Clint laughing at his reaction, and Thor a little confused but it's best if he just doesn't know
"Well congrats Mj" Natasha says while holding Mj's hands "do we know the gender" Natasha asks right after
"Yes, yes we do, it's a boy and me and Peter plan to name him after Peters uncle, and my grandpa" Mj tells Natasha
"What's the name" Natasha asking the same question Clint had but didn't feel like it was his place to ask
"Benjamin Christopher Jones-Parker or Ben Chris Jones-Parker for short" Mj tells Natasha
"Well that's a beautiful name guys, and Mj, Peter congrats. Well I should probably talk to some other people. Bye guys" Natasha says starting to walk away
"Thank you Natasha, bye" Peter and Mj say before also walking away

After walking around EVEN more, they bump into someone they did not think they would bump into. Nick Fury. THE Nick Fury stopped them to talk.

"Hello Peter and Mj, from what I've heard congratulations are in order." Nick tells them
"Yes, hello Fury thank you" Peter says smiling at him

Mj never knew Fury personally. Shes met him once or twice before but never a full conversation. More like she was with Peter while he talked to him and that's it

"How far along are you Mj" Fury asks MJ
"I'm 23 almost 24 weeks or 6 months" Mj says. Fury nods his head and goes back to his conversation with Peter.

After a while Fury and Peter had to part ways. Him and Peter have become more and more close over the years. Fury worked with Peters parents before they passed so he would tell Peter story's about them, Peter loved that.

"Well I have to go and congratulations again" Fury says while walking away
"Thank you" Mj responds

30 minutes later

Peter and MJ were drinking Shirley Temples, because Peter made a promise that until Mj could drink again he wouldn't either.

"Peter I'm tired" Mj says while turning her head fully to look at him
"But we have only been here for 45 minutes" Peter responded
"I am carrying your baby" the one point she says every time they have a disagreement and Peter agrees that maybe it was time to go
"Ok, let me just say goodbye to Tony" Peter says while getting up
"Ok" Mj says while smiling

Eventually Peter finds Tony
Peter then taps Tony on the shoulder to get his attention "Hey Mr.Stark, me and MJ are going to go home I just wanted to say goodbye"
"Ok kid, keep in touch though and update me" Tony says while putting his hand on Peters shoulder
"Bye Mr Stark" Peter says while starting to walk away

Peter and MJ then go home and get in their pajamas and start to watch a movie

"Tonight was fun" Mj says, now talking over the movie
"I can't wait for him to get here" Mj says looking into Peters face
"Me too" Peter says, agreeing with Mj

Peter then leans in and kisses Mj and then they enjoyed the rest of their night

2 posts in one night lol well I don't know what to say so that's it
word count not including this : 1139

Peter Parker and MJ having a family one shots Where stories live. Discover now