2. New baby

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Peter Parker : 27
MJ Parker : 27
Ben Parker : 2
Peter and MJ got married 5 years ago after college then 3 years later they welcomed there son into the world now it's 2 years later and Peter and MJ have been trying for another baby

Peters POV
Me and Mj are in the bath room
"It's another negative, damn it!" Mj says with a look of frustration and sadness on her face
"Hey it's ok, we get a positive soon" I say, trying to comfort her
"Ok, your right" Mj says, trying to calm her self down
"Well when do you wanna, you know... try again?" I ask
"Well Bens asleep, so how about now" Mj says, with a smile now forming on her face
"Ok" I say, Mj now grabbing my hand a walking to our room

2 months later

No one's POV

MJ was in her living room, Peter was at a Avengers meeting and Ben was asleep but then she realized something, and begun to think
"I missed my period, holy crap, I need a test"

Mj calls May to baby sit Ben, she says yes and is coming over

Mj heads a knock at the door and knows who it is, she opens the door and it's May
"Hi May" Mj says with a smile
"Hello Mj" May says while hugging Mj
"Do you know how long you'll be Mj?" May says right after
"I won't be long May" Mj says right before walking to Ben
"Bye baby, mamas leaving you with Aunt May, I'll be back soon Mj says while kissing Ben on the head, then picking him up
"Bye mama" Ben says, being handed to May at the same time

Mj leaves for the store, while there it takes a while, but she eventually finds a good priced test, because who's paying 20 dollars for one. But after finding one she pays for it, and then gets 2 smoothies on her way back

"That was quick" says May, playing with Ben in the living room
"Yah I just need to quickly grab something from the store, I got you a smoothie"
"Ohh thank you Mj" May says while getting handed her smoothie from Mj
"Would you like to stay until Peter gets back?" Mj asks
"I'd love to, but I have to go, I'm sorry" May says
"It's ok, but thank you again May, bye" says Mj
"Bye Mj, bye Ben" May says while leaving

After May leaves Mj and Peter's apartment, Mj puts on Ben's favorite show on the tv and puts Ben in-front of it. She goes to the bathroom to take the test. After taking the test, Mj is looking at the box, she has to wait 5 minutes apparently. It's the longest 5 minutes of her life. After the 5 minutes were up she saw something on the test she would have not liked to seen 10 years before

"I'm pregnant" Mj says to her self quietly

Although excited, she doesn't really express it on the outside, she gets up and puts the test in her and Peters room, she then goes to Ben and picks him up and they sit together on their couch

About 30 minutes Peter gets home

"Hello Mj" Peters says while kissing Mj on the head
"And hello Ben" Peter says right after kissing Mj
"So how was the meeting" asks Mj
"It was alright, same old same old, how was your free time to day Mj?" questions Peter
"It was alright, in fact I have some great news" Mj says while reaching to hood Peters hands
"What is it?" Peter questions
"I'm pregnant" Mj says while looking at Peter
"Really?" Peter asks while slightly smiling
"Yes" Mj says while fully smiling and laughing now

7 months later

No one's POV

Mj was in labor

"Ok Mj, you are 10 centimeters dilated, your ready to start pushing" Dr. Anderson, their doctor says

Mj and Peter decided they were going to wait until after the birth to find out the gender of the baby. Mj didn't care what it was, as long as if it was healthy. Peter on the other hand wanted a girl, he loved his son, but he always wanted a girl

"Ok Mj, when you get your next contraction, I need you to start pushing" Dr. Anderson says
"Ok" Mj says, going to grab on to Peters hand

Mj starts pushing, she's pushing for 30 minutes before she gives birth, like birth is, it was painful, but it was all worth is when she heard the most beautiful sounds.

"It's a girl!" Dr. Anderson yells

The screams of their baby, well not just their baby, their daughter, is all Mj can pay attention to, it's all she pays attention to until Peter starts talking.

"She beautiful, she's so beautiful" Peter says, starting to cry now
"She is" Mj responds

10 minutes


Peter was holding our baby, our daughter. We decided to name the baby May, after Aunt May.    Me and Peters life was perfect. Adding May to our family was the best decision me and Peter can make. I can't wait for the rest of our story

Hope you guys liked this and sorry it took so long
Word count not including this : 886

Peter Parker and MJ having a family one shots Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ