56: The Knighting

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"We are gathered here today to honor extraordinary valor in service of the Royal Family of Vyrunia," King Christophe intones solemnly, marking the official beginning of the ceremony in which Monique and Christelle will be knighted—certainly the first knighting of women in Vyrunian history, and possibly in history, period. The entire Royal Court—every Vyrunian with every sort of noble title or rank—is gathered together in the Throne Room of the Palace of Roses for the occasion. Mireille sits at the King's right hand, silent and regal, one of the few people in the room who is aware that the very traditional opening of this ceremony will lead to a shattering of past traditions. Queen Généviève, seated on the King's left, is also aware of what will take place this day and is not entirely pleased; her lips are pursed with disapproval even as she pets Bijou, who sits contentedly beside her on a velvet cushion.

"Two persons will today be knighted. They have distinguished themselves with bravery, quick thinking, and resourcefulness in the face of most unexpected and undesirable circumstances," the King continues, then pauses for dramatic effect. "First, for thwarting the attempts of bandits to kidnap our Princess while we were on our Royal Progress...the Duchess of Alsantias!"

A collective gasp and scandalized murmurs burst through the Throne Room as Christelle enters it via the double doors at the far end from the thrones. She is dressed in an elegant gown of a blue that matches her eyes with a shining silver breastplate over the bodice and a scabbard on her hip; she carries a shield with the Vyrunian crest and a gleaming sword. She holds her head high and walks proudly down the red carpet leading from the doors to the thrones, her confidence stunning her audience into silence. When she reaches the steps leading up to the thrones, she kneels in front of the King.

"Duchess, because of your ability to think on your feet, your unflinching courage, and your willingness to use the tools at your disposal, not a single life on our side was lost in an ambush by bandits that could have been quite bloody, and our Princess Mireille was not in real peril for even a moment. Therefore, though you are a woman, we find you worthy to become the first female knight in our history, and perhaps the entire world," King Christophe proclaims.

"I am honored, Your Majesty," Christelle replies in a tone that indicates she is more nervous about this than she would like to appear. "What you count to me as valor I consider to be simply what anyone ought to do in service of the rulers of their country."

A few people applaud at this assertion. The King smiles slightly, taking Christelle's humility as a matter of course.

"Your sword, Duchess." The King rises from his throne as he makes this request and approaches Christelle, who hands him her sword hilt first and bows her head. He touches her shoulders gently with the flat of the blade as he makes the official proclamation: "We hereby declare you to be Lady Christelle, Duchess of Alsantias and Knight of Vyrunia. All hail Lady Christelle!"

To Christelle's surprise, their audience actually cheers and applauds. Mireille releases a quiet sigh of relief; though she and the King arranged this ceremony, she had feared more resistance than what they have had thus far from the traditionalists in the court.

'You may rise, Lady Christelle," King Christophe smiles, handing Christelle her sword as she complies. She bows to him as a man would, already taking to her new role, and then goes directly to Princess Mireille, kneels before her, and offers the Princess her sword on outstretched hands.

"Your Highness, if you will accept my services as your loyal knight, I pledge myself to you, until my dying breath," Christelle declares fervently. She and the Princess prearranged this ceremony of fealty, with the King's knowledge and consent; it is a traditional part of the knighting ceremony, but the King had not initially thought it necessary, given the unusual nature of this particular knighting.

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