When Halloween Goes Wrong

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Halloween was one of Peter's favourite days of the year, he loved it. Tricks and many treats, the thrill of the scare. But what if it didn't go to plan one year? How will the most spookiest day of the year end for our favourite speedy hero in 1971?


Halloween Mishaps


Halloween was here yet again, it was the season of spooks and scares. Peter enjoyed Halloween, it was his favourite time of the year. Since his mutant ability developed it had been nonstop fun for him, but not for others. The last two Halloween nights had been fun, but this year he wanted something bigger. He had plans and many tricks up his sleeve, he couldn't wait to unleash them on his unexpecting neighbours.

Peter was staying at his Grandma Maximoff's house this year for Halloween, she wanted to spend time with her grandchildren. Peter was fine with it, he didn't mind spending time with his Grandma. She normally fell asleep by 7pm anyway, it gave him time to prank the neighbourhood and be back in time before the horror movie night began. Stirring his spoon around his bowl Peter was finishing off some leftover green coloured macaroni and cheese, his Grandma had added green food colouring to their dinner for the spooky effect. It was working, his younger Sister had thought she was eating bogies. Finishing off the last bit of his food he got up from his chair and zoomed over the kitchen sink before he washed his bowl, he then went to find his Sister.

" Lorna!" Peter called.

" I'm in the lounge! " Lorna yelled.

Peter left the kitchen and walked through the hallway, he soon helped himself to a bowl of candy near the lounge's doorway. It was mostly candy corn though, his Grandma thought it was funny to offer the children of the neighbourhood candy corn because not many people liked it. It was a pretty good trick, but unlucky for his Grandma since Peter loved candy corn. He popped the candy into his mouth while he entered the lounge, but there was no sign of his younger sibling.

" Lorna, where are you?" Peter asked.

" I'm hiding!" Lorna replied with a giggle. " Come and find me!"

Peter sighed to himself and crossed his arms, he agreed to play his Sister's game. He look around the lounge and smiled to himself when he spotted two feet sticking from underneath a blanket, his younger sibling wasn't that good at hide and seek.

" I wonder where Lorna is?" Peter asked himself before he zoomed over to the curtains. " She's too smart to hide behind the curtains, maybe she's under the coffee table."

" Cold!" Lorna said.

" Of course, she's too big to fit underneath the coffee table." Peter said while he turned around to face the couch. " Maybe she's behind the couch, but then again I saw a big spider behind there earlier."

" Spider!" Lorna gasped.

A dorky laugh escaped Peter's lips when Lorna jumped up from the couch, she continued to bounce on the couch and screamed about the make believe spider. She soon stopped bouncing on the couch when she heard her Grandma's voice from the hallway, she apologised to her Grandma before she sat down on the couch. Peter soon joined his Sister and sat with her, he told her she was the winner which earned him a smile. He draped his arm around his Sister's shoulders and turned his attention towards the television set, they were playing some old cheesy Frankinstain movie.

" Why can't you take me out tonight?" Lorna asked, she looked up at her Brother. " All of my friends are going out for Halloween, why can't I?"

" I'm grounded for two weeks, remember?" Peter replied.

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