Here Comes The Sun - April Fools

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April the 1st was one of Peter's favourite days of the year, it was his only chance to play jokes and pull pranks on others without getting into trouble. His Mom was at work and his baby Sister was at his Grandma Maximoff's house, what could possibly go wrong?


April Fools Day - 1969

Peter had woken up in a cheery mood today, it was one of his favourite days of the year. It was the 1st of April and that only meant one thing, it was April Fools Day. Sitting up in his bed he yawned loudly and looked over at his Peanuts Snoopy yellow wall clock, it was only 7:30am. He normally got up around 8am since he had been suspended for three weeks from his school, it wasn't even his fault anyway. He didn't mean to set off all the fire alarms in the school which caused the sprinkler system to go off, one of the jocks had dared him to do it. Jumping out of his bed he zoomed around his basement, he picked up his comic books and put them into pile. He made his bed and threw all of his junk food wrappers in his trash can, he did this every morning. After he had finished tidying his room he got dressed fast and zoomed upstairs for breakfast, his Mom jumped as he took a seat at the table.

" Peter, what have I told you about doing that?!" Marya asked.

" Sorry Mom..." Peter replied.

Peter's Mom was already awake and feeding his Baby Sister Lorna, his Sister had arrived two weeks early. He had to stay with his Grandma Maximoff while his Mom was giving birth in the hospital, the guy his Mom had been seeing had dumped her after he found out that Peter was a mutant. It didn't matter though, he planned to be the best big Brother to his Sister and her role model until she turned sixteen. He poured himself a bowl of Trix cereal and placed the box back in the middle of the table, next he added milk and sprinkled a spoon full of sugar over the top of his already fruity sweet cereal. Spooning some of the cereal into his mouth his full attention was drawn to his Sister, she was gulping her milk down fast.

" Someone is thirsty, do you need me to get you anything from the store today?" Peter asked while he spooned another spoonful of sugary cereal into his mouth. " You know like baby formula or more cereal, I could get you something sweet. How about a box of chocolates or a loaf of bread? I can get you anything, just name it and it's yours."

" I want you to stay at home today." Marya said.

" What? Why?" Peter asked. " What did I do? I've done nothing, I swear it!"

" You do know what day it is, right?" Marya asked.

" Yeah, it's Tuesday." Peter replied.

" Don't be a smart alec, it's April the 1st." Marya said.

" Oh yeah, today's date didn't even cross my mind." Peter said.

" Oh I bet it didn't." Marya sighed to herself while she looked down at her baby in her arms. " No April Fool jokes or prank pulling this year, okay? I have enough to be getting on with today, I don't want to get home after work and find angry messages on the answering machine again."

" Are you talking about the time I put sunglasses on the baby Jesus last summer?" Peter asked.

" That and many other things." Marya replied.

" Oh, can you be more specific?" Peter asked.

" No!" Marya replied." Just eat your cereal."

" Fine then..." Peter sighed.

" Peter, I'll be dropping your Sister off at your Grandmas's house very soon." Marya said before she looked at her Son. " I'm doing a lunch time shift."

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