What am I Supposed to do?

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I laid in my uncomfortable cot wearing my army pants and light green tank top, I had my hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. This was the first time I've gotten some alone time since I got here.

It's been a year since the southern rebels had kidnapped me. For the first 11 months, they had kept me in chains, attempting to torture the truth out of me. Now I have my own room, it's nothing special, but nothing here really is. At least I didn't feel like a prisoner here anymore, I'm guessing that ended after what happened last month.


They had me chained to the wall, the three men who had kidnapped me. They paced back and forth and stared at me, looking slightly intrigued. One carried a whip, one rocks, and the other enjoyed using his hands, some of the things he did I'd rather not think of. "Tell us what you know about the royal family!" the one who carried a whip yelled.

Tears formed in my eyes but I held them back, I could not show weakness. My clothing was stained with blood and my skin was bruised and scabby, every time I moved all I could feel was pure agony. But they couldn't know that. "I already told you, I don't know anything" I spat, it was true, I had never snooped around the castle, and I knew just as much as the public.

The hand man punched me straight in the gut "you tell us right now, or I will personally take a knife and slit your throat, slowly, so you will be able to feel every agonizing second of it"

I gulped "I promise you, I don't know anything" I said calmly. True, I might not have known anything about that, but I had the perfect plan to get out of here.

The man gave me a cruel smirk and picked up a stake knife "well, then I guess we have no use for you" he brought the knife up to my throat.

"Wait!" I yelled "I can do something though" I said, this plan was definitely last resort.

"What could that possibly be?" the man with the rocks snarled.

"First, you're gonna have to let me join your team" I said slyly

*end of flashback*

So, long story short, I had joined the southern rebels. Tomorrow, we would storm the castle, and my plan could finally begin.


It had been a year and Damon and I still aren't married, not that I care, I am so sick of him, but delaying the inevitable is awful! I don't know why he didn't just let Mikeala stay in the castle with us. Maybe he's just got cold feet.

I still help him with his wounds on his back, much more often lately, his advisor has gotten very testy lately.

Right now I'm just sitting in the room that I share with Mikeala and writing in my notebook. I turned my notebook into a diary last year, after Damon proposed to me, and I right a new entry almost every day. "Where do you think Emma is? The southern rebels haven't attacked us or had any contact with us since last year when they took her." Mikeala said quietly.

I put down my pencil and looked at Mikeala, I pondered her thoughts for a second then said "You know, I have this weird gut feeling that we'll be seeing Emma sometime very soon"


After I came home from the selection, all the boys in my neighbourhood showed up on my doorstep. My mom turned them all down, saying they weren't high class enough to meet her standards. After about ten months of boys coming to my house, a two appeared.


I was laying on my couch, finally having a free moment, when that stupid fucking doorbell rang AGAIN. I groaned then got up to answer it, I walked to the door and opened it to a guy who looked about two year older than me with chestnut brown hair slicked back with gel, he looked at me with his piercing blue eyes that could just make a girl melt. "Hello, my name is Jesstin Toadas, I am a two"

It was like my mom had super human hearing because she practically appeared out of thin air "Hello Jesstin, I'm Brenda, I've heard all about your family's wealth, I mean health. I'll leave you two kids alone..." She awkwardly walked downstairs.

Jesstin smiled snobbishly at me, he seemed like one of those snobby rich kids, but hey, if Izzy can handle Damon, I can handle this guy.

"So, we're getting married, you can move in with me tomorrow, okay, bye baby" he pursed his lips then sassily walked away, swinging his hips.

*end of flashback*

Anyways, Jesstin and I are married now, and no surprise, I'm two months pregnant.


Right after we left the castle, Devawn and I got married, nine months later, I gave birth to a little baby, who we named Rachelle.

I had just put down our baby for a nap and Devawn and I were in bed. I had my head resting on his arm and a hand up his shirt, I was tracing his abs with my index finger and had my other arm around his waist. He reached his free arm under my shirt and unbuttoned my bra. I giggled a really girly giggle and he laughed quietly. Even after all this time, every moment with him was precious. "You know it's been almost a year since we've been living outside of the castle" I said.

"Honey, you know that our house is right beside the castle, right?" he laughed, I laughed with him.

"I know, it just feels so weird, tomorrow's the one year anniversary of the end of the selection and I can't believe we're going to see the rest of Elite again." I said sadly "it just doesn't feel right"

"What do you mean?" Devawn asked, sounding confused.

"It's just, Emma won't be there, so I feel like our group won't be complete..." I said quietly.

Devawn chuckled and looked at me "oh, trust me, Hun, Emma will be there"

But I'm Not Ready to be a Queen (Final book of the distressed royals series)Where stories live. Discover now