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Alessandra pov

I'm woken up by Karla wailing from the monitor, it takes me awhile to notice where I am before I go get her. Alejandro is sound asleep in bed and didn't even hear her. I arrive near Karla and notice that I'm only wearing a hoodie and underwear.

"Good morning Karla. How did you sleep?" I pick her up and start moving around so that she calms down. I find Alejandro's t-shirt and give it to her and that helps her calm down. "I'm going to get you dressed up for breakfast and after we're going to nonna and nonno's house. What do you think." I say in a baby voice and put her back in her crib.

Karla is dressed in a pink long sleeve unitard, white sweatpants and white shoes. And to top it all off she is wearing a pink beanie. I'm wearing a dark pink cropped sweater, white sweatpants, air force ones and a dark pink beanie just like Karla except my hair is in curls.

I'm cooking pancakes for Alejandro and I, and for Karla I'm getting her bottle with milk warmed up because she woke up in a bad mood. I hear Alejandro's foot steps come down the stairs and when he enters the room all he does is comes near Karla and gives her a big kiss. Which might I add makes her stop being a bit fussy. "Buongiorno amore, what are you cooking." He comes over to me and kisses my cheek. "Buongiorno I'm making us pancakes, could you check if Karlas milk is warm enough?" He nods his head and heads over to the microwave.

He grabs the bottle and looks at me strangely. "How am I supposed to know how to check milk." I just roll my eyes and take the bottle out of his hand. I dip my pinkie finger in the milk it was warm, then I put a bit of milk of the inside of my wrist and lick it. Alejandro gives me a disgusted look. "What's you're problem. Take that look off before I smack it off." I go back to the pancakes because they are going to get burnt. I place the pancakes on the table, give Karla her bottle and everyone starts eating.

"So I was thinking that after breakfast we should take Karla to my parents, and you could get some clothes here for when you stay over. Because I don't think I will be staying with my parents for now, I need space since I have Karla and it's to much people in one house with the members there also. It's up to you if you want to stay here. I have spare rooms." I say to break the silence. He looks up to me and smiles at me. "I like that idea. Why is Karla going to you're parents, and not going to be with us." He gives me a concerned look.

"Oh it's because after you get you're clothes we have an appointment." I give him a big cheesy smile and get my phone out so that I could call my mama. "Ciao mamma Alejandro ed io stiamo venendo a lasciare Karla e prendere alcuni dei vestiti di Alejodro."(Hi mom Alejandro and I are coming to drop off Karla and take some of Alejodro's clothes.)
"Okay that's fine with me." I hang up the call and look at Alejandro.

"What's the appointment?" He looks really confused. "You'll find out soon." I kiss his cheek and take Karla. "Vamos. Vamos a llegar tarde, maldita perra"(Let's go. We gon 'be late, you fucking bitch) I yell from near the main entrance but whisper the last part. "I fucking heard you." I roll my eyes and head to his car, put Karla in her seat and head over to the driver's seat. Once I set the seat to my comfort Alejandro comes to the driver's side and doesn't notice I'm there till he opens the window.

"Alessandra get out of my car now. No way in hell am I going to let you drive my car, you'd kill us and I'm to pretty to die." I roll my eyes but think of a great idea so that he lets me drive. "I'll show you my black lace lingerie if you let me drive to ma's house." I give him a wink and drag my hands up his thigh close to his dick but not close enough. "Okay fine." He gives me a pout and starts marching of to the passenger's side.

We arrive to my mama's house. "mamma dove sei?"(mom where are you.) I end up shouting from the other side of the house. "I'm in the kitchen, no need to shout." I go to the kitchen with Karla on Alejandro. "Alejandro and I have an appointment and will be back by around 6pm. Karla is going to stay over because she would already be asleep and I just can't handle her if she wakes up in a bad mood again. And I was going to forget tell Valentina that Ale is going to be staying over at my please. We actually came so that he could get some clothes before the appointment." She give me a knowing smirk and I just roll my eyes at her. Alejandro isn't near me so I assume he is getting some clothes.

I head to the car and sit in the passenger side. "Took you long enough, you do know we're not getting younger right." I roll my eyes playfully. "Oh come on you're only 17. Anyways where are we going?" "We're going home first thats why you're driving, then after we are going to the appointment but I will be driving."

We arrive home and by the time we have to leave Alejandro puts his clothes in the wardrobe. "Alejandro trae tu gordo culo aquí me tenemos que ir ahora"(Alejandro bring your fat ass here we gotta go now) I shout from across the house. "I'm coming and besides you love this far ass." I roll my eyes and head towards the car.

I start driving to the appointment but before we arrive I make sure to go to McDonald's. "Want anything from McDonald's, because I'm starving." I decided to be a kind person and ask Alejandro. "Yeah just get me what ever you're getting but double it. And get us an oreo mc flurry." "I already knew that didn't have to tell me." I grab his face and face him. I look in his eyes and peck his nose.

After we ordered Alejandro decided to feed me while I drive. "We're here."


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