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I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I started school last week and I had a lot of stuff to do for school that I didn't get a chance to post.

Alessandra pov

It's been a week since Karla and I got out of that house, everyone including Alejandro has been trying to contact me but I just can't stand them to answer their calls and messages.

Right now I'm getting Karla ready for breakfast, since it's a Saturday we usually stay home and I clean a bit since I wouldn't have a lot of work. Karla is wearing a cow onesie and her curly hair is is pick tails, I'm wearing grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie.

Karla and I just ate breakfast and it's time for her to take a nap so I go work out. After I worked out I showered and put Karlas favorite show on the tv, so that I can clean. Midway cleaning the doorbell is ringing so I go and open the door but once I see whose at the door I try to slam it closed but they already opened the door back open.

"ALESSANDRA I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK." Alejandro just barges in like the owns the place. "Get the fuck out of my house." I try to be calm but of looks could kill, he would have been dead long ago. "I just want my daughter back, I need you back the house is empty without you two." He looks sincere.

"You should have thought about it before you decided to make us apart of you're stupid business plan. I'm just glad Karla won't have to grow up with you as an excuse of a dad." I roll my eyes, I know what I said might have hurt him but he done much more things that hurt me. "You fucking bitch, I want my daughter now." He said in a stern voice, I get a gun from the cabinet next to me and point it to his head. "Get the fuck out of my house before I shoot a bullet between your eyes."

"I'd like to see you try." He steps closer to me so that the gun is touching his head, right as I'm about to put my finger on the trigger Karla starts crying. Alejandro and I are both running to her and we see that she fell from the sofa and bumped her head, luckily she didn't have blood coming out. "Look what you done my daughter fell and hit her head, because you didn't take care of her." He says taking Karla in his hands, I snatch Karla back "It wouldn't have happened if you left and never came back. It's not like you never done it before. In fact you should be used to it by now."

I leave and take Karla back to my room so that she could sleep, I hear Alejandro following me. "I just want to be apart of the family, I want her to grow up in a big family with people who love her. I know what I did was wrong but I meant it when I said I still love you and I wouldn't change that. Alessandra I'm in love with you and that little child we made together." I turn around and see him with tears in his eyes. I go up to him and kiss his lips.

"We could take it one day at a time, but I'm still not getting married I'm only 17 years old and you're only 18 we have our whole lives ahead of us, right now lets just enjoy life." Alejandro takes Karla out of my arms and smother her in kisses. "I want McDonalds." I take Alejandro's car keys and my car keys so that I could take the car seat in my car and put it in his.

On our way driving to McDonald's I noticed that Alejandro had his hand on my thigh and didn't take it off the whole way there. After we we ate we went to the park so that Karla could go on the slides and swings, while we were at the swings I saw a bench near flowers. We go sit down and Karla starts to get fussy because she's hungry so I give her some fries.

A lady that looks like she is in the mid 40's walks up to us. "This little girl must have the best siblings ever for you two to stay taking care of you're sister." I bust out laughing and Alejandro gives her a glare while she is looking at us confused. "Oh she's not our sister, she's our daughter." I say between laughs. "Oh so you must have been young when you had her." She looks at us as if it was a wrong thing. "I was 16 and my husband right here-" I nudge Alejandro in his stomach. "-was 17." She say oh and leaves us alone.

"What happened to take it one day at a time, you're already calling me you're husband." I playfully push him and roll my eyes at him. "She was giving us a nasty look that we had her at a young age so i told her we're married no big deal." He scoffs but doesn't say anything.


We are back at my house and Alejandro has Karla sleeping in his arms. He follows me to my bedroom with Karla and lays down in my bed. I go and change into clean clothes and lay down near him. "We should get matching tattoos and not those cringy one's that couples get but we should ger Karlas name tattooed." He smiles at me but it disappears "you're a minor how would you get one it's illegal to get one under age."

I roll my eyes and remember that he doesn't know that I got tattoos after Karla was born. "You're in the fucking mafia and getting a tattoo underage is a big deal for you and besides I know a guy that done my other tattoos." His mouth opens with shock but his eyes sparkle. "I want to see them show me." He is nearly jumping up and down if it wasn't for Karla in his arms. "Okay but you're going to have to close you're eyes." He rolls his eyes but keeps them open, I start to take off my clothes "This isn't a strip show, although I'm liking this I said show me you're tattoos and besides Karla is here."

"You fucking dumbass my tattoos are under my clothes." I'm in my bra and underwear and I go stand near him. He is tracing all of the with his fingers. "What do they mean?" I smile my biggest smile at his question. "Okay so the rose on my wrist-" I show him my wrist "-is because roses are my favorite flowers, I would put Karla's name next to it. Then I have the butterflies, butterflies don't see their beauty but everyone else does and I just thought it's something everyone goes thru." I show him my ribs then I show him my collarbone. "I done the hakuna matata one a week before Francesca died she was my best friend. And lastly-" I lower a bit my underwear so that my hip show "-I done the snake because I saw it on Pinterest and liked it."

I put on my clothes and lay done near him. "When did you get them?" "I done them after Karla was born, I was scared to do them pregnant." He smiles and and gets up to put Karla in her crib since she slept. He come near me takes off his top and lays down next to me, he wraps me in his arms and pulls me so close that I could feel his dick with my ass. He makes sure that I feel it by pushing his hips closer to me. "Do you mind, our daughter is sleeping right next to us." "If thats the problem then lets go." He picks me up bridal style and takes us out of the room and into one of the guest rooms.

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