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Is that even a word. meringue. Let's hope it is because it's the title for this chapter.
Now, Wattpad is really annoying. Do you know why? Because you can't turn the bloody keyboard sideways to type! How stupid!

Anyway, those of you who have read my previous chapters may have noticed my slightly odd obsession with Monica Grady.
naa okay just me.
I kinda found out she has a husband. Called Ian. I think this is illegal. But I'm not too sure because I don't know what the law is and that. Shame really.

I think the only reasonable and rational solution to this minor issue is to attempt AN ASSASSINATION. Because you see, Danica has to be a thing and if Danica isn't a thing in the next 5 years I will cry. And melt. Into a ball. Of dough. Then someone will probably run me over. With a rolling pin. And that will be the end of that. I will be flat.
where was I?

Ahh yes. So anyway,
Just thought I might make that message public seen as you know, it is the most important thing in my life/head. Bread. Dead. Bed. Fed. The geese. With brain. Brian's brain. He's dead. Already. Don't mess. With Halifax. They'll fine you. Don't sit. On Gary's car. He'll call. The police. True fact that. Based on life. Experiences....

So I don't want to be a self promoter or muffins but I have this other story called Life's for the living and its an actual serious story. I know right. And anyway, I did happen to notice that this one is kinda getting more reads than that one which is...... strange. I fear for man kind. Why would they want to read this blabble. Katie.

Sorry this chapter had no red. The main reason for this is because I've kind of slightly forgotten half of them. I'll get back to you when I remember. If I remember. Let's hope my head doesn't explode. In the mean time.

And no Spontaeneous combustion okay. Ooh if anyone actually does spontaneously combust please let me know because that's really cool. Wait. They'll probably be dead. Okay NEVERMIND.

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