162. The Opera

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Qi Le’an was ready to treat Hu Bin and Assistant He to a welcome dinner. He sent them to the booked hotel to put down the luggage and then they went to a good Western restaurant for a meal together.

Wei Changfeng accompanied them all the way. Although he didn’t speak much, he acted as the driver and also helped carry the luggage.

While Wei Changfeng went to the bathroom, Hu Bin and Qi Le’an muttered, “Le’an, you and Wei Sama…”

Qi Le’an nodded shyly.

Hu Bin was the first person among his friends to ask Qi Le’an so proactively like this.

Hu Bin felt happy and grinned, “Then I should be your matchmaker! As I recall, it was when you were shooting To Perish Demons that you two met for the first time!”

Qi Le’an was dumbstruck by Hu Bin’s mindset. He had known Wei Sama since his last life!

Assistant He couldn’t stand it anymore and then said angrily, “What kind of matchmaker are you?! Stop flattering yourself!”

Hu Bin was not annoyed by Assistant He’s scolding. He winked at Qi Le’an, saying, “He has been not changed after so many years! He still loves scolding as always!”

Qi Le’an recalled that Assistant He had to worry about Hu Bin every day like this when he was filming back then.

Wei Changfeng returned shortly. The waiter served the food. Wei Changfeng casually gave him a tip and then said to the two guests, “The steak here tastes very good. Eat it while it’s hot.”

Hu Bin nodded, picked up the knife to cut a piece, and gave it to Assistant He with a smile.

Assistant He looked helpless.

Surely old friends would catch up when they met. Hu Bin had experienced ups and downs these years. His temperament had been well cultivated. As he talked, he appeared rather sophisticated.

Of course, he looked not only sophisticated but also regretful, but also said, “I’ve let go. It is not a big deal. Just do my acting and let others do the talking!”

Qi Le’an admired his sophisticated demeanor and then asked, “Then what are you going to do next?”

Hu Bin shrugged, saying, “I’ll play by ear. He and I are not restrained by any company now. We can decide what we do!”

Wei Changfeng said, “If you need our help, just feel free to tell us.”

Hu Bin smiled as he cut the steak, saying, “I really want to ask you about something. I heard that Director Amco needs some Asian face for his new movie recently?”

Qi Le’an knows who Director Amco was. After all, the textbook compiled by this director was still on his table. The director who could be mentioned by the textbook hadn’t directed any movie for a few years, but every movie he made was definitely exquisite.

Hu Bin asked the question bluntly while Assistant He was afraid that the two of them would think too much, so he added, “Director Amco can’t pick us. We came here for fun this time and see if we can get some materials for publicity stunt when we are back.”

Qi Le’an immediately realized what was going on.

Over the past few years, as his homeland grew stronger, the domestic movie market had become a huge cake. Some producers liked to get some Chinese actors to play a supporting role in the movie so that they could publicize the move back to the mainland. Meanwhile, the Chinese actors were happy to associate with Hollywood. No matter what role they played, being able to show their faces in the movie would surely increase their commercial value.

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