132. A Fan

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Qi Le An was not a person who was worried for no reason. After Chen Shan slapped him, his head cleared instantly.

So what if it was a dream? In this dream, he let Uncle get his consequence, and Chu Chengyuan who had killed him nearly had a mental disorder. Most importantly… his dream man Wei Chang Feng was his lover now!

Even if it was a dream, it was sweet. A man should not be worried about gains and losses in his life but cherish the best days.

The lunch that Chen Shan brought was prepared by his mother. He put the food into the plate and said, “Why don’t you just stay at my house?”

Qi Le An shook his head and said, “Wei Sama will be back soon.”

Chen Shan was speechless. Well, they were always showing off their love anytime and anywhere!

After lunch, they discussed hiring a private tutor.

“I think we can just ask your teacher directly. She knows you better and can integrate the teaching contents with the school’s courses,” Chen Shan said.

Qi Le An hesitated for a moment and told him what Teacher Luo had said and felt worried, “I just think that will make my teacher overworked.”

Chen Shan thought for a moment and said, “Did your classmate have a private teacher?”

Qi Le An stared at him, indicating that he didn’t know either!

Chen Shan said nothing. Well, forget it.

The final result of the discussion was that Chen Shan would negotiate with Qi Le An’s teachers to find ways to improve Qi Le An’s grades in academic subjects.

After pausing the shooting for so many days, no news came from Director Guan. The WeChat group was dead silent. Qi Le An still saw the report that “Blue” was criticized on an official notice, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

Chen Shan saw this and said, “It will be alright when the trend ceases. Don’t be too sad.”

Qi Le An sighed and looked at Chen Shan in helplessness.

In the end, Chen Shan still didn’t tell Qi Le An that it would be over when Glory’s shareholders' meeting ended.

On Sunday, Qi Le An couldn’t hold it in. After he finished writing his homework at home, he went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of ingredients to welcome Wei Chang Feng home. Wei Chang Feng originally planned to arrive at Hai City at noon on Monday, but he was falling in love so he was unable to get separated from his man. Though calm as he had been, he immediately changed the air ticket after the event.

When Qi Le An put the things he had bought into the fridge, he heard the sound of the door opening.

He turned his head in disbelief and shouted, “Wei Sama!”

Wei Chang Feng only carried a backpack and wore a black baseball hat. He closed the door and stretched out his hands.

Qi Le An dashed over without hesitation and threw himself into Wei Chang Feng’s arms, “Wei Sama, why are you suddenly here?! Wow! I’m so happy! ”

Wei Chang Feng hugged Qi Le An and said, “I miss you so much.”

When they got together, Qi Le An laughed foolishly and couldn’t help kissing Wei Sama. Wei Chang Feng also kissed Qi Le An's back. Qi Le An’s breath was filled with the fragrance of Wei Chang Feng.

From the hallway to the sofa, they stuck to each other all the time. When both of them were satisfied, the sky was almost dark.

Wei Chang Feng got up and prepared to cook for Qi Le An.

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