39. A Night Out

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Wei Chang Feng laughed, “Being seduced? Hmm, I’ve always thought seducing is a girl’s job... ...”

Qi Le An invited Wei Chang Feng in, he turned around and tried to hide the disappointment when he heard ‘seducing is a girl’s job’, ‘chances are Wei Sama is straight’, thought Qi Le An. Wei Chang Feng put the cake on the table and said, “Drink some warm water, An, it’s a bit chilly today.”

Qi Le An nodded.

"Make sure you have tied your belt properly next time you open the door, imagine it was a girl who was knocking on your door.”

“Haha, I hurried to the door because I heard your voice.”

“All righty then, I will leave you be.” Wei Chang Feng rose to his feet.

“Have you eaten yet? Care to have some dinner with me?” replied Qi Le An promptly.

“Sounds good, I need to shower first though.”

“Ha, make sure you are decent when I knock your door.” said Qi Le An with a cheeky smile.

With that Wei Chang Feng took his leave.

Qi Le An stared at the cheesecake on the table in a trance, the tantalizing aroma wafted towards him.

Wei Chang Feng didn’t have a sweet tooth, and he thought Qi Le An would enjoy the cake more than him, so he bought the cake for Qi Le An to celebrate the huge success on his first day.

Qi Le An cut a small piece of the cake and indulged himself with the sweet and rich aroma.

‘I love him, and it’s okay if my feelings were not returned.’

‘I vowed to be revenged on people who have hurt me, and I also vowed to pay a debt of gratitude to Wei Chang Feng.’

‘I just want him to be happy, he deserves all the happiness in the world.’

It didn’t take Qi Le An long to reconstruct his inner peace, he was in such a blissful mood that he even caught himself humming when he was standing before his wardrobe, selecting an outfit for later. Then he texted Chen Shan that he couldn’t join him for dinner because he already had dinner plans with Wei Chang Feng.

It was getting dark, but Qi Le An didn’t turn on the light in his room, he sat in the dark and he swore he could hear the noise coming from next door. Wei Chang Feng’s room had the same layout as Qi Le An’s room, Qi Le An could even imagine what Wei Chang Feng was doing at that very moment from the noise.

Qi Le An got his phone ready when he thought Wei Chang Feng was done getting changed, and three seconds later... ...

Wei Chang Feng: What do you feel like for dinner?

Qi Le An chuckled: Food!

Wei Chang Feng thought for a little while and decided to take Qi Le An to the CBD area for a proper dinner, he called Gary and asked him to make a reservation at a Japanese restaurant.

Then Wei Chang Feng knocked on Qi Le An’s door, “Good, you are decent this time, shall we?”

Qi Le An nodded and followed Wei Chang Feng cheerfully.

Wei Chang Feng didn’t ask Gary to drive them, Qi Le An felt more at ease with no one around, he just kept on talking and talking about how he felt working with Director Chen and Wei Chang Feng, Wei Chang Feng would nod and reply gently from time to time.

“Anyways, Director Chen is so much nicer than I expected, I was so ready to get a good scolding!” 

Wei Chang Feng laughed, “Haha, Director Chen just tends to strive for perfection constantly, and that’s him being responsible to his work and to the actors. I have learned so much from him, I believe you will too.”

Wei Sama, Let's Stuff Them With Dog Food[1]Where stories live. Discover now