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Zhans pov:
"Hey what the!" I said angrily and hold the back of his shoulder and pulled him,but he's too strong so he just throw my hand and said "get out" but I lacked out of balance so we both fell down and kissed accedintally I was so shocked that I can't move and just stared at him shockingly and ......

YIBOS pov:
After we fall I was so freaking shocked that I can't move at all and all I did was stared at him too but at this moment I feel so calm and feels like I want to stay like this at all I can hear his heart beating so fast but suddenly someone nokked the door and noticed that we were still kissing so I directly get my mouth off but he still keeps laying down without moving at all.... Then the door was nocked again and someone said "is anyone here? Where did the sound came from?I'm going in".... So when the door creaked to open I pulled zhan hardly and tell him to pretend where doing push ups!.....

Zhans pov:
"What are you two doing?" The man speaking is the one who knocks luckily it was just the janitor "uhmm we're doing push ups" yibo answered",," push ups really here in the C.R.?,, The janitor asked curiously "just go well come out soon 5 more push ups to go",,, I don't know what yibo is talking about so I just go with the flow "yes 5 more to go and we'll come out" I answered and flexibly stares at yibo he is clearly holding a laughter,,"you two better get out soon the store is about to close where having half day every Saturday",,,I forgot this store is just open half day every Saturday "okay" I answered..

Yibos pov:
"I'll go then" )then *he goes* so that's why there's no customer this restaurant is half day open every Sunday)my mind speaking then suddenly zhan pats me and said I'm going first, judging from his look his kinda embarrassed but still looking cute well I don't know if I should stop him to apologize or not so I just stay still then suddenly he came back and said,,,"I forgot to take a C.R.  GOSH I thought what was he supposed to say but I can't help it but laugh then he just turned out fastly heading to the C.R. so what I did is I just wear my jersey......

Zhans pov:
(Should I apologize? I think it's not my fault why should I apologize but why didn't I push him at the moment I know we've kissed why did I feel like something's up? What's happening to me? Arghh final answer I won't ask for apology he must ask it not me!) When I get out I didn't expect he's still there "what are you still doing here" I asked him directly,,"zhan can we talk? I just wanna say---",, "yibo your back! thats good but for now I still don't want to see you so just please pretend we didn't meet today?"I asked without looking at him "but  zhan could you please just listen to me!?" Yibo I said I don't wanna talk to it anymore i---”,," zhan please?" My heart suddenly eache  hearing what he said and seeing his tears fell down all trough his cheeks..." Ok just stop being dramatic okay I'll give you my number lets just meet tomorrow at 5pm here" I said without looking at him because I can't help seeing him cry,," here?" He answered,," no!I mean here at the restaurant", I answered,," ok thanks for giving me this chance zhan_ge just this(🥺).....

***they came out***

Yibos pov:
(Why am I crying?but atleast now I've got his  number and I can finally explain to him properly) "sir wait" I was walking behind zhan_ge heading to the exit door then suddenly the janitor called us,,"me?" Zhan asked then turn his head to the janitor then to me,, "no both of you!" The manager just called both of you and said could you kindly go to the kitchen office right away?",," Why"
I asked, zhan was just lestening,, " I don't know she's waiting for you about 15 minutes ago and asked me to check if you're still here",," but" I answered,,"ok we'll go"zhan suddenly replied to cut my words!! "OK then"


✍️TO BE CONTINUED........................

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