Love Letters

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When Katsuki didn't show up to school on Monday a spike of anxiety shot through Izuku's entire body.

Yes, he was upset with the blond, but that didn't mean he didn't worry about him. In all of his years of knowing Katsuki, he has never missed a day of school. Even if he caught a cold, he would push through and show up to school on time as if everything was alright.

Izuku could remember the first time, back in middle school when Katsuki showed up with a fever. With his cheeks flushed and skin hot to the touch, he still made an effort in class. When Izuku offered to take him to the nurse, Katsuki just barked out an insult with no venom behind it before going to his next class. Izuku remembers him having to be dragged home. He was not very happy about that.

Now, for the first time ever, Katsuki wasn't here on his own accord. Rationally, Izuku shouldn't be worried. People need breaks. Everyone should take a break once in a while but if he knew anything about Katsuki, it was that he doesn't take breaks. Claims he doesn't need them. Katsuki Bakugo would rather take a trip to hell and back than admit he needed to take a break. If you so much as suggested that he needed one, he'd work extra hard just to spite you.

So now, Izuku imagined a feverish Katsuki driving down the street on the verge of unconsciousness. Surely, if there was an accident Izuku would have heard about it by now, right? Or if someone was hurt on the way to school, people would be talking about it. In a city as quiet as Musutafu, everyone knows everything. If someone so much as comes down with a cold, everyone knew of it.

Izuku's mind was running a mile a minute, coming to every and all terrible conclusion he could think of.

Izuku's hand itched to send Katsuki a message. He had a point to get across and messaging the boy would only ruin it. As hurt as he is, Izuku would always be a sweetheart down to his core. He wanted to ask him if everything was alright. If he was hurt or sick or-- he shoved those thoughts away. Ironically, he reminded himself of his mother. It was probably nothing. Kacchan was fine.

Izuku tried to focus in class but his mind couldn't stop ticking. Kacchan seemed fine the day he saw him. A little desperate but fine. Something couldn't have possibly happened in such little time, right? Izuku could be panicking over nothing. It was nothing, he reassured himself.

When Katsuki didn't show up on Tuesday, that was when the panic finally set in. It flickered in his brain like an old lightbulb, buzzing and annoyingly distracting him from everything important.

If Izuku thought something was wrong yesterday, he was sure something terrible happened now. Two days in a row. If Katsuki really was sick, he would need a few days to recover. That is if he was sick at all. Or maybe he finally left like he said he wanted to. When he got the chance, he would just up and leave this place. Izuku's heart wrenched in his chest. If he really was gone...did that mean that he didn't care what became of him and Izuku. Izuku felt selfish to think it. He felt terrible to even consider it but...he wished Katsuki would stay around. Even if they weren't talking and even if he was lying, he wished he was still here.

He was getting ahead of himself. He doesn't know for certain if Katsuki was still in the city. He could just be busy. Too busy to go to school and too busy to message his friends back, apparently.

From his seat at his lunch table, he could see Katsuki's group of friends sitting in silence. It seems that they were equally as worried about him. Izuku felt better about that. Not having to worry about coming off as insane for panicking over something as small as Katsuki missing two days of school. It seems his friends could tell something was up too.

Before he could give it a second thought, he made his way over to the group of friends. Momo was the first to see him approach, worry painted over her face.

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