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Katsuki had let his emotions get the better of him once again. He thought he had calmed down since his second year. He got into fewer fights, stopped shoving Deku into walls, and he was even nicer to his mother. Well, as nice as he can be. She really tested his patience sometimes. Personally, he thought he did what anyone would do. When he saw a drunk Deku resisting the touch of Bug Eyes (whatever his name was, Katsuki didn't care), what else was he supposed to think? He's knocked a few pervs teeth out before, this time was no different. Except, bug eyes wasn't a perv and Deku seemed to really like the blue-eyed freak.

At first, he was just messing around. Ruining his chance of scoring a date with the pole vaulter was merely entertainment for Katsuki. It just so happened that it helped him get one step closer to winning that bet. He hadn't forgotten about that. He thought this whole thing would be a drag but breaking into Deku's house proved to be more fun than he thought.

After he left Deku's house the night of the party, he sat out on his roof. Their room windows faced each other. The two have been co-existing side by side for as long as he can remember. It shocked him that Katsuki remembered the way to his room. Like muscle memory, he walked in and set the drunk nerd on his bed. His room hadn't changed much. More plants, more manga, but the layout was the same. His mother hadn't changed much either. She had gained a bit of weight since the last time he spoke to her but she was still as sweet (and suffocatingly worried) as ever. It really pissed him off.

He saw Izuku sneak in his friends almost every day. They climbed through the window like it was nothing. The day Inko saw Katsuki come down from Izuku's room, he could see it in Deku's eyes. Exhaustion, embarrassment, something else he couldn't understand. It seems like Inko keeps Izuku locked up. So much so that her sweet little boy has to resort to sneaking in his friends to see them outside of school. He always hated authority figures. So controlling, restrictive, annoying. He made it his job to cross all of them. Especially ones like Inko Midoriya.

Katsuki scoffed as one thought crossed through his mind.

I'll show that nerd what real fun is and his mother won't be able to do shit about it.


When Izuku woke up Sunday morning he was absolutely mortified. His party clothes were folded neatly at the end of his bed. He sat up, his bed head messier than usual, pointing every which way. Luckily his curtains were shut tightly and he planned to keep them that way. He'd live his life in the darkness forever, never seeing the light of day, never touching alcohol again, and never having to face Katsuki. Most of the night was a blur. He remembered shots with Kousei, playing a few games of beer pong, then things got fuzzy. Before he knew it he was in his bed with shaking tender hands on him. Katsuki's voice rang through his mind, not letting him escape the embarrassment.

Lift your hips for me, Deku.

And just like that, Izuku did exactly what he said. He let Katsuki undress and dress him. Katsuki was even nice enough to fold his clothes. Izuku's face burned red and hot.

Lift your arms, I need to get this shirt on you.

Izuku wanted to scream. He searched his bed for his phone with no luck. Grabbing his jeans from the end of his bed, he patted down the pockets but no phone. Lastly, he looked to his bedside table, and there it was. Katsuki had put Izuku's phone to charge for him. This action alone wouldn't be a problem, but the idea of Katsuki knowing his way around Izuku's room well enough to even bother with his phone lit something inside him he would rather not focus on. Izuku hadn't changed the layout of his room since middle school. The fact Katsuki remembered little details from the past gave Izuku a little glimmer of hope. Maybe Katsuki really did like him.

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