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When Katsuki left Izuku's house he was just...confused. His confusion made him angry so of course, he stormed out of the house, right past Izuku's mother without a word.

First of all, what the fuck was that about?!

Everything was fine and then (not so shitty) shitty Deku went and cried about whatever the hell it was that his nerd brain came up with. Of course, Katsuki would be worried. He had gotten to the point where he could say that he genuinely cared about the loser without feeling indifference. He cared about him! So he just wanted to know what made him cry so he could fix the damn problem.

Then Deku went ahead and started acting stupid questions that had nothing to do with the damn subject. If he didn't want to talk about it, that's all he had to say! Katsuki wasn't going to get on his knees and beg Izuku to tell him what's plaguing his mind after he told him no. Who the hell does that?! Did (not so stupid) stupid Deku really think he would push him like that?!

Secondly, the topic he chose to talk about was love?!

Katsuki stormed into his house, slamming the door behind him. He was aware it was early and his mother would have his head for making so much noise but he didn't care. He stoped up the stairs with heavy footsteps and slammed his bedroom door as well. His phone buzzed in his pocket but he ignored it. It was probably stupid Shitty Hair asking him if he was going to weekend practice. He didn't need to go, he was already leagues ahead of them. Right now, he was just pissed.

Seriously? Love? What the fuck does Katsuki Bakugo know about love? He didn't even know what Like liking someone was like. If he was completely honest, he wasn't sure what all that meant at all. Sure, Katsuki knew what the technical definition of boyfriend meant but...what was he supposed to do? Does he keep taking Izuku out on dates? Was he supposed to buy him anything? What the fuck do boyfriends even do? Isn't it like being friends but...with a different label?

His phone buzzed again. Angry, he fished it out of his pocket with more force than necessary.

Ponytail: I'm telling Ochako about the bet about Midoriya. I don't like keeping secrets and she's his closest friend

Katsuki stared at his phone. What the fuck?

Ponytail: It would be better if he heard about it from her rather than someone he's not close to like me. I'm sorry for betraying your trust but he needs to know

Katsuki blinked.


No, she can't do that. If he knows then he'll never figure out his own feelings and Deku would never want to talk to him again. Was it selfish? Maybe. But Katsuki realized that that was the last thing he wanted. For Deku to hate him. He wanted to keep this (whatever it was that they had) going. He couldn't just stop. What would he do then?

You: If you tell him anything, you're dead. I'll kill you myself. You'll ruin everything

Katsuki stared at his phone for what seemed like minutes. He paced around his room, confused, angry, anxious, and...angrier. There was no answer from Momo for what seemed like forever. Katsuki hated it. Sitting here, waiting. He seethed with anger. He was infuriated and he couldn't really understand why.

He was angry with Momo for wanting to tell Izuku about the bet. That much was obvious.

He was angry with Deku for...for asking stupid questions! He was angry with him for crying and making Katsuki care about him! He was angry with him for smiling like that and looking so perfect. He was angry with him for making him confused. He was angry with him because he was Deku. He wasn't the stupid Deku he used to know. He was angry with him because he was different. He was different and that made it hard to hate him. It made it easy to like him. Easy to..easy to--

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