Chapter 19

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Panic seized me and my breathing fastened. With a smile, Sebastian turned to leave.
"Jace! Jace! Sebastian's coming! Get out of the institute!" C-lary shouted to him.
"Clary! Are you hurt? What's wrong?" He replied in alarm
"Sebastian's coming to get you - try and kill you. Get out of the institute!"
"Ok ok! But is everything alright?"
Before I could reply, a fist connected with my jaw and black tinged my eye sight.
"What are you doing, little sis?" Sebastian snarled. I looked down at my arm and saw my telepathy rune glowing. I gasped, willing the light to go out, but it was too late. Sebastian had seen it.
"Who were you speaking to, hm?"
I kept my mouth shut, glaring at him.
"I should've known that you and your clever little runes would be used against me. I suppose that you told your angel boy Jace that I was coming for him. You know what? I'm going to kill him soon, but not now. I've got other things to deal with."
I took my chance. I swiped beneath his legs, knocking him to the floor. Before he could react, I snatched his stele and stomped on his nose, satisfied when a slow trickle of red spread across his face. Agony. The rune flashed at the back of my eyelids. His hands grasped my ankle and twisted it. I heard the crack. He got to his feet. Pain exploded in my lower leg, and I cried out. But this wasn't going to stop me. With my good leg, I shoved his hand off me and leapt on top of him. With a surprised yell, he staggered back. Power coursed through me as I carved the agony rune into his shoulder. The closer to the heart, the more powerful it is. For a second, nothing happened, and I feared that I had made a mistake. No. Sebastian clutched is heart, groaning and trembling. Falling to his knees, he let out a blood-curdling scream. Guilt hit me for a second, but went away as I thought of all that he had done. I ignored Sebastian's shouts for me to come back to him and sprinted to the nearest wall. I had done it. I was going to escape. My hands shook with anticipation as I drew the portal room. The Institute, I thought. I stepped through the portal, triumphant. The world collapsed around me, and the courtyard of the institute formed. The portal closed.
"Jace! Jace! I'm back! I escaped!" I shouted, vaguely aware of the hoarseness of my voice.
Jace sprinted up to me, wrapping his arms around me. I collapsed into his arms. I was safe.

Hi guys! R and I were thinking of ending this fan fiction, as we kind of went off into the wrong direction😂. Stay tuned as we are going to start a new fan fiction about what would happen if Clary, Jace and Sebastian were brought up together. We are going to publish a few more chapters (I think). Thank you so, so much for all of your reads and votes - it means the world to us.
- C

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