Kidnapped pt.5

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"WHAT?!, HE SAID ALL THAT" Shoyo yelled making everyone cover their ears.

"Yeah...didn't you hear him dumbass" tsukishima mumbled

"You didn't have to yell boke"

Osamu looked over to the kitchen seeing sumu and Kawa talking together, hoping Atsu didn't hear.

"Okkkkk...But what are gonna do now?" Suga asked

"I mean we can't risk sumu getting hurt my him again" This time it was Kenma that spoke ( my baby 🤩🤩🤩)

"Shouldn't we contact the police" yams asked


"Why?" Kuroo asked

"Well Cuz he threatened me that again if I did he would do something to sumu again.."

"And we wouldn't want that..." Akashi said

"I wish none of this happened to tsum-Tsumu" Bokuto said

"Me too..."

"Well so what are we gonna do now?" Asked yachi

"I dont know"

"Well me and the setters and gonna hang out with tsumu.." Suga said as he and the other setters stood up.

"Mkay, make sure to keep eyes on him, so he wouldn't get hurt or captured again..." Kita said strictly

Akashi nodded as they went towards Oikawa and atsumu,while the others were talking.

When they left the others started talking again

« What were ya guys talking abt over there? «

(Est-ce aller où toilette s'il vous plaît 🙏)

Oikawa looked at him and shook shod head

« Nothing Nothing....hey y don't we go shopping! »

( yuh, they go shopping even if they're males 👁👅👁💁‍♀️)

Kageyama and shira walked towards the others

« You guys! »

Shira yellef out getting their attention

« Hm? » tendou asked

« We're going shopping. » he stated simply

The other didn't say anything, but looked over to Osamu, Kita and Sakusa.

( y'all sorry not sorry for not making Sakusa speak ).

« So? Can we? »

Osamu heard Kita sighed as he spoke out

« can go..but make sure he doesn't get hurt »

Thé setters nodded as they grabbed sumu's hand and dashed out the door

Time skip to whenits 7 🌚

Tue others were waiting for the setters, but where were they?

Soon a phone rang

Osamu stood to answer the phone

« Samu....! Help! »




🌚 🌝 👋

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