13. But What kind of heart doesn't look back?

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Adrien had heard that Marinette had returned a few days ago, he had tried to visit her, yet she never let him see her.

So here he was outside the front doors of the bakery, knocking on the door he waited outside of.

Moments later Sabine opened the door, once again speaking, "Sorry Adrien, she doesn't want to see you again today, she's just tired."

"Would you like to come in and have a croissant? Maybe she will come down at some point while your at it"

Adriens shoulders drooped at the news of Marinette not wanting to see him, but he smiled nodding and followed her mother into the bakery.

He had heard Marinette was avoiding all her friends, so he wasn't hurt thinking it was just him.

She had even turned down Chloé, the girl who said 'she wouldn't take no for an answer'

Taking a seat at the counter, Sabine began pulling out some trays filled with pastry treats, Tom was humming somewhere in the kitchen.

He could hear the tune of twinkle little star.

It distracted him for a mere moment before Sabine sat down on the chair besides him with  a smile.

He rubbed his upper arm embarrassedly

"I-l just wanted to make sure she is alright"

Sabine nodded clasping her hands together in front of her on the table.

She spoke softly

"Marinette is not ready to come down yet, so there is not much of that i can do for you"

Adrien looked down at the table sadly, he picked up a croissant, giving him something to distract his shaking hands with, he spoke 

"I know..."

Sabine pulled her coffee closer as she looked back at him

"Thats not all Adrien."

"I can tell you how i think she is doing, physically at least... it may ease some of your worries"

Adrien seemed to lighten up a little at that as he turned to listen more carefully to the woman, like he was afraid he was going to miss something.

"Well... i'll be honest with you Adrien, we really don't know a whole lot, we don't want to push her, till she is ready..."

" the doctors who did a short check up on her, stated that she was under weight..."

"Marinette denied any serious injuries so the doctor didn't really check, but she seems to be fine in that way"

"Its just a few bruises and scrapes Adrien, she will be okay"

Adrien nodded taking a bite from the croissant, tho Sabine continued.

 "The only thing that is worrying, is her mental state, she said she has ran away because of the pressure and anxiety she was facing..."

Sabines had dropped to lay in her hands

"She says she is okay now, and she knows she shouldn't of run off now..."

"But I can't help but worry if she is actually okay"

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