2. William

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Adrien was still steaming with anger as he walked to class, William had no respect.

None at all.

And his friends and Chloé didn't seem to be happy with him either, but they kept their mouths shut for now.

As he thought about it, he guessed Chloé was his friend now, and dor once he was okay with that, Chloé wasn't so obnoxious anymore, and Nino and Alya seemed to consider her a friend too, or they at least were letting her tag along.

He supposed it must be because of the last battle, they all being superheros bonded them together.

And after finding out each other's identities they seemed to connect, little did they know, the cat who now lead them into battles was standing besides them as well.

William hating Parises heros was definitely going to make it hard to be around him when half the class had held a miraculous at some point.

Why was he assigned our class!?

Nino walked along side him as they entered the school, he could tell Nino had something to say, but his friend seemed unsure of how to word it so Adrien thought to speak first

"I'm sorry i attacked him okay, ill try to hold myself back from now on, he just was disrespecting Ladybug's memory... i got mad"

Nino shook his head waving his hands in front of him

"No dude, i think we were all about to beat him up, thats dude has no respect its not cool"

Nino sighed letting his arms drop back to his sides

"I guess i was just trying to ask, if you were okay..."

"You know... after Ladybug's death... i know its a touchy subject for you, didn't you have a little crush on her?"

Adriens eyes widened at that 

"What!? No I didn't!?"

Nino just gave him a look and Adrien sighed looking away

"Okay fine maybe a little..."

"I'll be okay... i think everyone is upset about her death, but i'm as good as i can be when a person you look up to dies"

Nino nodded in understanding

"Would you like to join us after school to get ice cream?"

Adrien nodded 

"Ill have to ask my father about it, but it would be nice to Hang out with you guys"

Nino laughed

"I know its a bit cold for ice cream, but André's ice cream is year round! There is always a time to find your true loves flavours"

Adrien froze, what would his ice cream look like without Ladybug?

Nino smiled

"Great! I hope it helps cheer Alya up, she has been quite upset over Ladybugs death lately as well"

Adrien had forgotten that Alya was fond of Ladybug through his own grief, she spent all her time filming her, even helped in that battle she was lost in, she must be heartbroken to lose the hero she looked up to.

But satisfaction brought it back    BOOK 2 ~ MLB fanficWhere stories live. Discover now