Part IX: The Truth about Drogo

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Now that I'm sure I've escaped the wrath of the Bartholys with my life, I decide to go up to my room and take a shower.  I've never felt grimier before: I'm covered from head to toe in debris from the garden, my hair is a tangled mess, my face is blotchy, and my eyes are swollen from all the crying I've done over the past few hours.

Getting under the warm, soothing stream of water helps calm my nerves too.  Since I'm no longer terrorized by the possibility of my imminent execution, I start to think about Lorie.  Why does she hate me so much?  I've done everything to try and please her:  I've  taken her shopping for new clothes and toys (even though she's already got more than enough for an entire village); I've played all of the gruesome games she concocts without batting an eyelash; I've read her so many bedtime stories that my voice grew hoarse; I've helped her out with her homework; I've taken her to the playground, the park and walked her to school.... Honestly, I've gone way above and beyond the duties of a regular nanny.  And yet...

Perhaps Lorie's jealous of my friendship with her brothers... and especially of my relationship with Drogo.  But she is their little sister!  They will always love her best - of that, I have no doubt.  Would she prefer it if they hated me? Who knows...

Still.... why do such terrible things?  Why lie about something I wanted to help her out with?  She could've just told me she didn't know how to open the book of spells and left it at that.  And she definitely should've told me she didn't bury Sunshine's remains.  Her behavior in this case showcased her cunning and cruelty... and did nothing to endear her to me.  In a way, I hope she gets what's coming to her from Nicolae.  Although, whatever method of punishment he uses, it will probably pale in comparison to the terror and turmoil I've been put through last night: not only by the zombies, but by the Bartholys too.

I dry myself off and put on a pair of comfy flannel pajamas.  I then close the curtains and crawl into bed - although it's already six in the morning, I got zero sleep last night.  I am physically and emotionally drained, and I drift off almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.  I start to dream:

I am walking alone through a dark forest that's been ravaged by a thunderstorm.  I feel lost and am looking for a way out when I suddenly hear a strange noise coming from below.  The earth begins to move, shifting the forest floor.  I know, with certainty, that I'm about to be attacked.  I start to run as a multitude of zombies are rising from the ground.  I scream and run faster, but  trip over an exposed tree root.  Just as I'm about to be tackled by a decaying corpse, Drogo and his brothers appear in their vampiric form.  While Peter and Nicolae start fighting off the rest of the zombies,  Drogo seizes the one that's holding me captive and rips him in half.  My boyfriend is here to save me!  I'm flooded with relief until I see Drogo's face closer up:  his eyes are red and malevolent and he gives me a sinister grin before grabbing a hold of me.  I let out a curdling scream and try to fight him off, but he overpowers me and I am helpless.  Drogo sneers as he burrows his sharp fangs into my throat.  He is going to kill me now.

I wake up in a cold sweat and look at my clock:  it's nine a.m.  While I don't feel at all rested, I decide to get up.  The last thing I want is to fall back asleep and continue my horrible nightmare.

I pull on my robe and wriggle my feet into a pair of fuzzy slippers, and I head downstairs.  My plan is to go to the kitchen and make myself a cup of hot tea.  However, as I pass by the family room, I hear Nicolae's voice.  I stop.  I know that I'm snooping, and that it's wrong... but I have to hear what he has to say about last night.

Nicolae:  "Lorie should've known better.  The book of dark magic is off limits."

Drogo:  "Exactly!  Yet, Lorie was the one who opened it."

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