Part II: My Great Idea

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As I just mentioned, a brilliant idea starts to germinate in my mind upon hearing Peter's words.

"I know how to scare Drogo," I congratulate myself, a sly smirk growing on my face.

"What's so funny, little thing?" Drogo gives me a sideway glance.

"What? Oh... nothing," I reply too quickly, sounding rather guilty. "Why do you ask?"

"You look like the cat that just swallowed the canary," he says, studying me closely. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"

"I was just thinking about Halloween... what costume to buy. What decorations to put up. You know... girly things," I say a bit maliciously. "Nothing that would interest you."

"Hmph," Drogo scoffs. "You're right. I have absolutely zero interest in that stuff," he holds his index and thumb in a circle as he speaks.

"I'll help you decorate," Peter interjects. "I happen to love Halloween."

"Really?" I give Drogo a sneer. "I'd be very grateful to you, Peter." I make sure to bat my eyelashes at him and smile as sweetly as possible.

Drogo narrows his eyes dangerously. I'm not sure whether the threat is aimed towards me or his brother.

"And we'll have so much fun together," I add just to further peeve Drogo off.

It works like a charm. Drogo suddenly stands up, pushing his chair away from the table and almost knocking it backwards.

"Well... I'm off," he grumbles to no one in particular.

"Where are you going?" Nicolae asks.

"I've got things to do... places to go," Drogo replies, keeping it vague.

Personally, I think it's because he has no idea where he's going... or why.

Nonetheless, I pout and pretend to be upset. "Oh... I was hoping we could hang out this morning. I thought it's what you wanted."

I let that sink in before adding: "But I guess I'll go and play with Lorie instead. She seemed very upset. I should try to cheer her up."

"Good idea," Nicolae chimes in. "I think she could use a distraction. Maybe that way she'll stop obsessing about getting a pet."

"Oh, and later on we could go up to the attic and see what we've got for Halloween decorations," Peter informs me. "I'm sure there's some good stuff up there."

"I bet," I mutter under my breath.

To be honest, call me crazy, but I'm not sure I want to do a thorough search through a dark and dusty attic, in a house full of vampires.

"Don't worry," Nicolae reads my thoughts (literally). "There's nothing dangerous up there. Unless you count Peter," he adds with a chuckle. "And he wouldn't hurt a fly."

Peters gives his brother a murderous look. "You know, I can be quite dangerous when provoked."

"Oooh... I'm shaking in my boots," Nicolae sasses back.

Peter doesn't comment. Instead, he stands up and walks toward the door. "Call me when you're ready to look," he tells me over his shoulder before exiting the kitchen.

"Will do," I reply, but he's already gone.

I dare take a look at Drogo who hasn't moved a muscle since he got up from the table. As my eyes meet his, I notice he's glowering at me. I feel a chill running down my spine - an angry vampire is never a good thing.

Sunshine, A Bartholy Halloween StoryWhere stories live. Discover now