Part V: Drogo, My Love (Mature!)

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*** this chapter contains material that is sexual in nature and is only intended for mature audiences***

Normally, I would intervene and try to stop the boys from fighting.  However, today, Drogo gave me the perfect opportunity to sneak around without having to worry about being watched.  So... as much as it hurts me to see my boyfriend attack his brother, I sneak right past them and head to the library.

As I expected, when I open the door, I find Nicolae sitting in the exact spot I had left him in several hours before.  He looks up from whatever he's reading and asks:

"What's all the ruckus?  Is Drogo stirring trouble again?"

"Yeah," I'm out of breath from running down four flights of stairs.  "Drogo attacked Peter.  I think you better go up there and stop them."

Nicolae sighs, stands up and stretches, as though loosening his limbs for a boxing match.  "Alright... here we go again.... Need I ask what they're fighting about?" 

He arches an elegant eyebrow, but by the smirk on his lips, I gather he already knows.

"The usual," I reply.  "Drogo thinks Peter was trying to put the moves on me... when, in reality, Peter was helping me find decorations for Halloween."

"Just as I thought," Nicolae mutters.  "Okay... I'll go up now and separate the children."

He leaves the room and I can't help but give out a little 'yippee.' I run to the sofa and lift the middle cushion.  The book of spells is still there!  I quickly grab it and head directly to my room, which is on the second floor.

I shut the door and lean up against it, the book pressed tightly against my chest.

"Yes!  Gotcha suckers!" feeling triumphant, I do a fist pump followed by a little victory dance.

Then, I settle down in my favorite armchair, right by the window, and place the book of spells on my lap.

"Now... let's see what we can find," I murmur as I flip it open and start searching for what I need.

I'm surprised by how many strange things I run across.  There are spells like:

"How to win your lover's heart and keep it for all eternity."

"How to stop your nosy neighbors from harassing you... permanently."

"How to protect yourself from a crone's evil eye."

And even:  "How to exact revenge on those who've done you wrong (punishment ranging from mild to extremely harsh)"

I get goosebumps reading that one!  I wonder if any of them really work... and how often they've been put into practice.  But where's the spell for reanimation?  I keep flipping page after page and can't find anything useful. Until... I get to a section towards the end of the book where a whole chapter's worth of pages are stuck together and won't open.

"What the heck?  Why would anyone glue these," I mutter slightly annoyed. 

I keep picking at them, trying my hardest to separate them, but they won't budge.  This is ridiculous!  I huff and puff to no avail.

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