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The time came once again when all the players had been escorted out into the corridor. At this point, the white game room had been a recurring place, although something was different this time. Seventeen mannequins were presented before them, donning pink vests with numbers that ranged from 1-17.

"Can you guess what they are?" Ali comes up beside her. Hae Young shakes her head.

"Welcome to the fifth game. Before we begin the game, please choose one of the mannequins numbered from 1 through 17."

There was only one way to avoid death as much as possible in a game as unpredictable as this, Hae Young thought. That either the last or first numbers are closer to the unpredictable. It was a silent, yet collective agreement among everyone that the numbers in the middle are reserved for those who were trying to stay alive, or at least those who were trying to keep their luck.

"Let me repeat. Please choose one of the mannequins numbered from 1 through 17."

17 numbers with 17 people left. Hae Young turns to Sang-Woo who also caught her eyes. They both have no idea what to do.

244 was the first to come up to the mannequins, setting himself on number 6.

"God created man on the sixth day. I'm going back to that day God created the sinless and innocent man." He whispers to himself before taking the vest. Soon, people follow one by one. 151 had taken lucky number seven, then the rest of the players scramble, racing to get the numbers in between; the numbers that had meaning.

All of the middle numbers were already taken. Hae Young was still lost.

"It's animal instinct." She hears Sang-Woo say beside her. "People seek comfort within the herd."

She just nods, swallowing though her throat is dry.

"Attention please," intercoms start once again. "The numbers before you are the order in which you will be playing. Please choose carefully."

Was that supposed to make them feel any better?

Whatever, she thought. Whatever the game may be, there was always a time limit. Her legs brought her to the first four numbers. If she goes first, then she'd most likely beat the timer. But then, she pauses. She looks at the last four numbers. It would be dangerous to go first without knowing the game.

"God damn it..." She swears under her breath, torn between wanting to live and the inevitable doom.

She turns back. Everyone had already taken their numbers from the mannequin.

Sae-byeok took 15, Sang-Woo took 14, and the rest were stolen at lightning speed. 17, 16, and 1 were left.

"Fuck it." She sucks in her breath, approaching the first vest, but then--

"--Excuse me."

096 stands before her with a sullen look.

"Do you mind if I take that vest?"

She didn't know what to do. She'll either lead his man to his victory or his death.

"I lived my entire life hiding behind others like a coward. I've never been the star of my own life. I kept saying I shouldn't, but I always get scared." He stifled a sob. Hae Young knew how that felt.

"Even today I chickened out and ended up choosing last again. I want at least one chance to be the owner of my life. As a confident man at the very front." He said.


There was hesitation at first as Hae Young looked down at the vest. What would it cost to give it up, anyway? It's either she'd be the first one to win, or the first one to die. She curses. Screw it.

"Here." She hands it to him, 096 breaks out in a thankful, yet proud smile, thanking Hae Young profusely. He thought that he had finally found his purpose.

She finds her way to the last two vests remaining; 16, and 17.

"What the hell do I choose?"

Ali came up to her, his choice was clear. He takes 17 off the mannequin and looks back at Hae Young. He gives her a reassuring nod.

"If we will be last, then we'll be last together."

She nods back at him, having gained a little more courage as she plucks 16 off of the mannequin.

The player enters the next game room, with bright lights blinding them almost immediately as they set foot into the room. Their faces drop. It looked like a circus, with a bridge made of glass that led all the way to the other side. Aside from that, Hae Young looks down below, it was a hundred meter drop. She freezes, knowing her luck now.

"Players, welcome to the fifth game. The fifth game is Glass Stepping Stones."

She gazes over to the glass bridge.

"Each stepping stone is made of one of two types of glass, tempered glass, and normal glass. Tempered glass can even withstand the weight of two players. But normal glass will shatter with just one person."

"Fuck." She hisses.

"Players, you will decide which one of the two tiles is made of tempered glass and step on those as you pass through 18 pairs of tiles. If you safely cross to the other side, you pass."

096's proud expression turns to horror now that he knows what he should do. There was a moment where he turned back to Hae Young, face filled with regret. But there is nothing they can do now but hope for the best.

"You have 16 minutes to cross the bridge. Then, let the game begin. Take your shoes off and go up on the bridge in order."

It took two minutes for 096 to make up his mind, with the rest of the people behind him getting aggravated. It was not just his life on the line, but theirs.

"What are you doing, just go already!"

"Hey." Deok-Su was the first to approach the trembling 096. "If you don't go, I'll push you."

"I'll go. I'll go, okay?" He finally says.

He stares at the glasses with little to no readiness to die. 02 telling him to choose wisely. All the pressure is on him and he finally takes the leap, jumping on the first glass. In surprise, everyone cheered for him as the glass did not break.

"That's it!" 02 says "One by one. Keep going." She tells him, and he does, giving one last prayer to the heavens before taking a leap. He jumps on the glass in front of him, and when he lands it shatters in an instant. 096 screamed until he fell, and it was a long drop. This is when the real game begins.

EGOIST (Sang Woo x Fem!OC) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now