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Flashback 13 years ago

Joseph sat in the back. Quietly watching the concert. He wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't even supposed to be near until a contract was aligned. Yet here he sat. In the back. Lurking in the shadows watching the girl in front of him. Her beautiful black curly hair that could go to her waist but due to shrinkage stopped at her shoulders. Her one sided dimple that shows only on the rarest of occasions.

Those were the best.

And her eyes.

Her fucking eyes. They say the eyes are the window to a person's soul. Joseph thought that was true. Considering he could see her entire life story. He smiled at her. Playing the violin. Like an angel.

She was a sight for sore eyes. And her hands were rather talented. He could watch her for hours upon hours. He stood up to hurry and leave before the concert could end. Even though it pained him to not be able to hear the finishing touch. He had to go. Before she could spot him.

Joseph made it out back by the alley and hopped on his motorbike. Starting it up. He grabbed his helmet and brushed his thick hair out of the way. His breath could be seen in the air. When suddenly she stood in front of him. His breath hitched in his throat as she walked around to him with her gun still aimed at his head. "Who are you? '' She asked, looking him in his eyes as he looked around before looking back at the road. "Look I really have to go and you're kind of in my way" He stuttered trying not to stumble over his words as she took his glasses off and looked into his eyes. "I've seen you before" She says as his eyes widen at the pure thought. Her.

Noticing me.

"Hopefully within due time you'll be seeing a whole lot more" He smiled to himself, making her eyebrows furrow. He quickly grabbed the gun and threw it to the ground making her stumble back as he had made her guard go down. "It wasn't loaded. You would've had a firmer grip" He assured her before taking one final look and driving off.

It wasn't long before he made it home. After a few stops to the gas station and pharmacy. He made it home safely. Successfully sneaking in, he succeeded at doing the same to get in. He heard voices downstairs. He ignored them, locking his door. Joseph tossed his keys on the dresser and took off his shirt. Grabbing the rubbing alcohol and applying it on his lower abdomen. He winced before grabbing his lamp and cutting the light on.

" If it isn't my own personal stalker." She spoke with his knives in her lap. He jumped in surprise as she came from out of the corner of his room.

" What the fuck. You can't be here" He whispered as she stood up walking towards him. " You come from a family of very skillful and smart people. Yet you didn't notice me in the corner. Bad. Bad. Boy." She teased grabbing the alcohol and pouring more on his skin, making him jump once more.

" Yikes. So what kind of trouble did you get in between your time stalking me and making it home."

"None of your business" He rolled his eyes before sitting down in a beanbag. It took everything in his power to not act like he wasn't literally jumping up and down inside. " Let's make it my business. I'm mina. Romina Windstor but you sir, can call me mina."

" I'm Joseph-"

"Yes, Joseph Giordano. I know all about you. Captain of the Varsity lacrosse team. Teen stalker by night. Straight B's student. Two older sisters. What else am I missing?" Mina teased, raising her eyebrows. Joseph opened his mouth to speak but the door barged open making her back up in response. " Get out creep" he yelled making Romina laugh slyly

"Ew, get dressed. Mama and Pa want you downstairs. Romina you too I guess" Josephine said before turning on her heels and walking out. "Here" Romina said, handing him a nice black button down shirt. " To hide the blood. " She winked walking out of his room as he stood still for a second. Before scurrying to get dressed. He brushed his hair back and attempted to cover up his birthmark. Joseph practically flew down those stairs. Only to be met face to face with the scariest people he had ever laid eyes on.

"Joseph. Meet Ryder, Gigi, Romina, and Roman Windstor" His father Joe said as Joseph shook their firm hands. Romina winked at him as he shook hers. "Nice to meet you all" He said before joining his sisters on the couch.

"Let's get down to business shall we?" His mother Moira spoke loudly, clapping her hands.


"I am not pulling her back into this" I rolled my eyes at my family who sat in front of me. Jade stood up to walk to the bar, pouring herself a drink. " You need to think about the family. If her parents find out she's back here it's going to be ten times worse." my mother says as she thanks jade for the water handed to her.

" Yall remember what happened. I can't ask her to re-live that pain." I shook my head, taking my glasses off to rub my eyes. "

"la dolcezza I think this is something you need to strongly re-consider. She is of more use with us than with them." Joe says as I roll my eyes. This was nuts. I couldn't do it. I couldn't risk bringing her back here. Bringing that persona that came with her. Both of them.

" Do you understand the full gravity of this situation." Josephine asked, standing up and fixing her shirt, walking towards Darry. " No Josephine, I don't. But I have a feeling you'll tell me."

" Joe Jr stop with the bullshit antics ok. We need Romina. Not because of her power and what she can do but for her safety. And ours. You better figure out a way in that scientific little ass brain of yours to get her here. Back in with us."

I grabbed my car keys and placed my glasses back on my face. I chuckled at their failed attempt to persuade me and tipped my head as if I were wearing a hat. " You look a little stressed sis. Maybe you should take a nap. Now if you all don't mind. I have a date with the most beautiful person on planet" I said before turning around and walking out of the door towards my car

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