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"Romina Windstor. Get your ass up and make your way to the car" Christine yelled in a whisper tone looking down at her detached best friend. "Ugh my poor baby" She pouted before helping Romina up.

"I can't do this Chris" She cried throwing her head back slouching against the wall. Christine rolled her eyes before abruptly smiling at the people walking past "Romina, we are in an entirely different country. We are here for a Job. Not to cry over that prick douch bag Winton"

"You're right. You're completely right. Its just- how do you get over your fiancée leaving you at the fucking alter"

"I don't know babe. Hasn't happened to me and never will. But It has been almost 2 years Mina, you've got to move on and focus on the task at hand. You asked me for a break and I gave you a long ass one. I know it's your first wedding since then but MINA! We're in Sicily for God's sake. I mean sure we might be here to plan a wedding for a pretentious rich white girl and her golf playing husband. But! We are here! Making hella cash."

Romina smiled softly before standing up and Taking a deep breathe "We're here. And he's not" She nodded as Christine smirked picking up her bags and bowing her head. "That is correct my Darling" She said in a fake British accent as they walked past the judgy hotel doorman who was eying them

"Benvenuto, come possiamo aiutarti?"The woman spoke as Mina looked at christine questionable "lei non parla italiano potresti ripeterlo in inglese?(she doesn't speak Italian could you repeat that in English please)"

"My apologies, You are Americans si? Are you checking in for a room" she said smiling as Romina nodded her head as she gave her a light nod "Checking in under Nomad" Christine said to her in Italian as she swiped the card and gave it to her "Follow me"

'I am a well known and damn good wedding planner. I am here to give someone the wedding of their dreams. Not cry about the pathetic memory of mine' Romina whispered to herself, trying to make it a pep talk. The entire time up to them arriving at the room she kept whispering it. Almost as an affirmation. But she knew it was secretly bullshit

"Thank you. Bye" Christine said to the receptionist who had just left. Leaving the two of them in their room.

"Well. It's time to prepare for 5 months of two assholes with money shitting out their literal assholes being all lovey dovely in all of our beautiful single faces" Christine scoffed throwing her scarf on the bed as I looked out the window. "Don't worry babe. I'm sure this will be over soon"

"What if I don't want it to be over? What if in this moment. Right here. Right now. This is the best It's gonna get for me." "No its not mina. You are destined for great things. Better things! Hell you do better at your job than me and I'm your fucking boss" Christine exclaimed earning a slight chuckle from Romina "My point is, Stop putting your self down or settling for just....this" she said shaking her shoulders as Romina let out a long sigh

"Fine! But you need to let me re braid your hair before the banquet tonight. The new growth is killing me"

"Don't hate on the new growth hun."

"I can when you look like a chia pet"Mina rolled her eyes before a brush was thrown at her head "just get the damn blue magic grease. Hoes hate some see another successful"


"Wow. This is nice. Like really fucking nice" Christine gasped as they walked through the tall doors. Romina looked around immediately taking in the color scheme. "I'm envisioning pearl white drapes hanging over the alter with hydrangeas as bouquets." Romina said as Christine nudged her "Atta girl, Now lets go greet the happy couple."

Mina smoothed out her Dark emerald dress. Fiddling with her gold hoop earrings. This will be nice.  She thought walking around looking for the name of the happy couple, trying to find the banter. But came to a halt at the sight of a rather familiar face. She noticed the piercing grey eyes staring at her. Could it be?

"Joseph? Joseph Giordano"

"nessun cazzo di modo(no fucking way)" He whispered walking towards Romina. Taking in her appearance. The last time he saw her he was 17. A fucking kid. But she definitely was not a kid anymore. Her hair grew longer, the gab between her teeth had closed. Her beautiful dark skin glistened under the linen lights and her body. Cazzo he thought

"Milkshake Mina"he smiled as she rolled her eyes playfully before hugging him. "Gosh. It's been what 9 years?" She breathed out taking in his scent as they came out of each other's arms "Too long to count. God Mina you look amazing" He said smiling ear to ear as she sighed shaking her head.

"I wanted to say. I'm sorry about your wedding. I got the invitation and I just. I couldn't come for work reasons" He stuttered as she let out a shaky breath before holding up her hand "You didn't miss much anyways. Winston left me at the alter. Practically disappeared off the face of the earth" Romina explained feeling a pain in her heart similar to the one from that same night. He left

"I'm so sorry. Cazzo I didn't know." He whispered running his hands through his hair before looking around "Don't be. It would've been a mistake anyways. But what are you doing here" She asked trying to change the topic as he gave a tight lipped smile. Romina rolled her eyes already knowing what he was about to say

"Business" They said at the same time but Romina lowering her tone mocking him. They stood in silence for a moment. Taking in each other's appearance. Romina smiled softly. Looking in his chocolate dark eyes. She looked at the white streak of hair in his thick jet black curls that became more prominent over the years. Joseph wasn't a small man. He was tall. About 4 or five inches taller than Romina. And she alone was 5'9. She smiled to herself watching him get nervous. Joseph took a sharp inhale adjusting his glasses.

"If your here I know she is" He gritted slightly smiling . Mina shifted the weight from her left leg to her right and rolled her eyes "Oh yea definitely. It's only a matter of time-"

"Joey Parker is that you" Christine squealed running towards us with a vodka in her hand.

"Christine. I'd say good to see you but then that would be a lie"

"Oh bullshit you know you love me. Say. Is jade here tonight" she asked looking around as Joseph rolled his eyes putting his hands in his pocket

"Stay away from my sister Chris"he warned as she scoffed taking a sip. "I just wanted to check up on her. No harm in that"

"Shit it's starting. They're walking up" Joseph said clamping a hand over Christine's mouth as the lights dimmed and the mic cut on.

Joseph and Christine had a very peculiar relationship. He hated her guts, and she hated his but when it came to each other everyone else was off limits. If Joe couldn't pick on her no one could. Except-

"Thank you all for coming tonight. To celebrate me and my baby's soon to be union in life" She smiled walking on stage. She was drop dead fucking gorgeous. Slim figure. Long ginger hair with dimples on one side of her cheek. Small petite figure. "She's hot"

"She's engaged" Romina said in response to Christine's thirsty comments but she hurry up and faced Romina trying to block her view.

"You have to believe me when I say this Mina. I only had your best interests at heart. I figured this would help you plus I was drunk when I booked this wedding"

"You can't book a wedding drunk chris. That is so irresponsible." Romina paused remembering the beginning of her statement. "Chris what the hell did you do" Romina asked looking at her side eyed. "Chris"she whisper yelled watching Christine slowly back away before running off completely. Romina turned around slowly to face the stage once again only to see him.

"Oh fuck." Joesph whispered before looking over to Romina who was frozen.

"That's my fiancé. That's my ex frickin fiancé"

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