The one where she plays

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You'll end up holding each other together

Karas POV

I wipe my hands on my jeans, "Is it normal to be this nervous?" I ask turning to Alex.

"Well, when you have a raging crush on the girl, yeah."

"I don't have a crush on her. I just want her to have fun."

"Yeah... right." Alex says sarcastically, "Now get it together. Sam should be here any minute and I don't need you ruining it for me."

"I couldn't if I even tried. She's all over you."

We're pulled out of our conversation with a knock on the door, "That's probably Sam!"

"Go, be gay." I smile as I leave towards the couch.

"Sam!" I hear Alex smile, "Who's this?"

"Hm? Oh it's Lena. Did Kara not tell you she was coming?" I tilt my head slightly. Did they just meet?

"She did. I guess it just seemed like you guys came together."

"We did." I hear Lenas Irish accent answer this time.

"Oh... so Sams your only friend? I don't mean it like that Kara has just said you only have one friend. But like, you two are friends? I mean that's cool. Yeah cool." Alex nods.

"Okay." I drag out the word using a hint of super speed to join her at the door, "I'm gonna stop you there before your gay rambling turns into you embarrassing me."

Lena snorts, "You do that enough already."

"Hey." I gasp in mock offenses, "I don't have to let you in, ya know."

"Perfect. Then that means I can leave." Lena throws back raising an eyebrow.

I just sigh and step aside. Screw those perfectly shaped eyebrows. Sam just laughs as she and Lena walk in. Alex follows Sam like a lost puppy as Lena stays by me.

"Your sister seems uh... colorful." Lena smirks slightly.

"Yeah. That is for sure." Lena giggles as she starts walking over to Sam.

Roa this was a bad idea. I join the three by the table as Sam explains what most of the bored games are to Lena ("I went to boarding school, we didn't have time for games!" "Lena, it's candy land!") and the rest of the group just comes in like usual. Most of them just nodded their heads in recognition but Brainy... well... he has a fangirl moment. They nerd out through the first few games. That is till they get to monopoly. Brainy goes into a corner and pulls out a chess board.

"I'm assuming you know how to play this one, yes?" I tease slightly as we set up.

"I just wanna see how quickly you all kick me out of the game." Lena throws back.

It was two turns. It's took Lena two turns before we all collectively decided that she doesn't get to play. She smiles gracefully as she joins Brainy.

"Alright, we're done playing if you two wanna join in on exploding kittens." Alex calls the the pair.

"Yeah... just one sec." Lena mumbles moving a piece.

"It's gonna be more than a sec." Brainy mumbles back taking his turn.

So we played a round. Then another. And another. Then those three turned into thirteen. They were still playing.

"Alright that's it. Who's even winning?" I ask walking over and sitting next to Lena.

"Well technically it's Lena, considering she's collected more points, but Lena is also in check." Brainy fills in.

"Was in check." Lena corrects moving a piece causing Brainy to groan. Lena giggles as she leans her head on my shoulder. That's new, "But I do believe you are now in check."

"That's not nice." He grumbles looking at the board.

And the game proceeded for a few hours. Most of the time they were going back and forth with check. It also went from Lenas head on my shoulder to her laying her legs ver my lap while leaning against a wall. I fully support relaxed Lenas antics.

"Check mate." Lena calls with a sigh of relief, "That was the closest I've been to loading a match in years."

"Who was the last person you lost to?" It was a simple question Brainy asked while cleaning up.

Lena tenses. It's not noticeable unless I felt her legs tense, "Lex."

Her answer was one word before she got up and walked to the kitchen. She chooses whiskey that's usually just drunk by Alex. She downs two before moving to the bathroom. Sam suggests we watch a movie. Everyone agrees. Fifteen minutes in and Lena is still in the bathroom. I silently get up and walk over.

I gently knock on the door, "Uh Lena...? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." The voice is small and quiet.

"Can I come in then?" Being gentle is key. That's what Eliza would do when I'd lock myself in mine and Alex's room.

"Um... no?" I small sniffle follows.

"That's perfectly fine. I'm just gonna sit outside the door though. You can let me in whenever you're ready." I say sitting by the door.

I say there watching the movie from there. After awhile lena cracked the door open and slowly slipped out joining me on the floor. She brings her legs up to her chest and leans into my side hiding her face.

"Well hello." I smile gently running a hand through her hair, "Feeling better?"

"If you tell anyone I just cried in your bathroom I will end you." She grumbles.

I just let out a small laugh, "That would be more threatening in you had harsher lines in your face. Well- not that you don't but they're also soft? Ya know I'm just gonna shut up."

Lena breaths a laugh as she moves just a bit closer. She doesn't say anything else but it's enough. Eventually I feel her breathing even out. I glance down and see her passed out. Crying can take a lot out of a person.

"Alright." Alex says standing up to stretch once the movie is over, "I think I've had enough of you people for one night."

The others joke in agreement as I slowly shake Lena awake, "Welcome back to the world."

She sits up lifting her arms above her head exposing a section of her pale torso. Not that I was looking of course.

"Hi." The casual syllable shouldn't be as cute as it was.

"I believe Sam is leaving soon."

"Perfect." She hums.

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