The one where they met

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This is where my story starts

Lenas POV
     In my 24 years of life, I have never once been seen. Nor have I ever received a compliment. Well, I guess I have; it has just never been directed at me. That makes no sense... it's like a curse of sorts I guess. Since the day I was born I've alway come off different to other people. For example, my brother, Lex, always seen me as a blonde, with tanner skin, and blue eyes. My mother would see red hair (fitting since this person must be from Hell), fair skin, and brown eyes. Though, when I look into the mirror I see raven hair and two different colored eyes. For the first few years I thought they were playing a trick on me, just a silly family prank. By the time I hit the age of seven it got old. I asked my brother why he kept saying I was blonde when I clearly had darker hair, he looked at me like I was mad. That's when I realized I was... different. Every person I'd meet would see me differently. Sure some would see raven hair, but I'd have brown eyes or tanner skin. No one has ever seen me as well... me. After years of looking through any book I could get my hands on, I found it was a curse that fifth dimensional imps cast on their enemies. The only catch is, the curse affects their first born, not the enemy themselves. Whoever sees the child with the curse, will be received as a version of their soulmate, only once they meet their soulmate will the child be seen as they are, and if the child manages to find theirs the curse shall be lifted, but they must be aware it's them. At first, I never really understood how it was a curse on the enemy, then I realized it traps their child hurting the parents soul more. Sure the kid gets lots of compliments, but it's always someone's soulmate, not the person themselves. It's really not great in your self esteem once you realize that fact.
The only person who's really ever made an effort to remember what I actually look like is my friend, Samantha Arias, or Sam for short. I've had to describe what I actually look like many times. She's always gushing about her soulmates walnut hair, or beautiful brown eyes. They certainly do sound very pretty and I'm sure they get showered with compliments. If only my birth mother hadn't done something stupid to piss off some fifth dimensional imp. Aside from my setbacks: looking different to everyone, I've done quite a lot in my life. I've graduated from MIT with a masters in biotechnology and engineering, while minoring in business, and I'm now running my family's company (even if I just wanted to be down in the lab making tech rather than looking through business reports).
"I have the best news!" Sam gushes as she enters my office. I look up expectingly, waiting for her to elaborate, (silently hoping she'd mistake me as a stranger). "Ruby got the lead in the school play!"
Ruby is Sam's daughter. She's a sweet girl. Her soulmate whoever they are will be very luck, as will she. She's clearly stated he'll have brown eyes, blonde hair, and evenly tanned skin.
"That's fantastic!" I smile lacing my voice with enthusiasm, "You'll have to get me the dates so I can get work off to see her."
"Can't you take time off whenever? You're literally the CEO." Sam always claims I overwork myself and don't leave enough time for dating. I, of course, remind her there is no point if I know what everyone's soulmate looks like.
"Well I can't just leave the company stranded. What if they need my help on a project?"
"Then they wait for a day or two. It's not like the company will explode if you're not here."
"I'm not having this argument again. I already have to deal with some noisy reporters in an hour." I groan dropping my head on my desk, "Let's just pray none of them will ramble about my appearance this time."
"Well it depends on where they are coming from. Daily Planet or CatCo?"
"Both. Clark Kent and some newbie named..." I lift my head to look at my schedule to find her name, "Kara Danvers."
"I'm sure Kent will keep his cool. He's pretty experienced, but this Kara Danvers will be a gamble."
"Ugh! Kill me now." I grumble causing Sam to burst out in laughter, "For a mother you don't have a lot of sympathy."
"Well you're also a grown ass women and not my thirteen year old daughter."
"Ruby likes me more."
"That's just because you've never grounded her."
"That's-" I pause trying to think of a comeback. Nothing, "That's besides the point."
Karas POV
You got this Zor-el. Your 18 years on Earth have prepared you for this moment. All those years of studying the art of journalism, and getting pointers from Clark, you're time has finally come... your first interview. 26 years old and I've finally done it. Being Cat Grant's assistant for four years wasn't too bad, but you finally have a shot. Since I had mastered math skills well into college on Krypton, I devoted most of my time to English. I kinda got sucked in once I was forced to learn the language. I had to distract myself from supering... well more like the lack of. It's hard not to want to fly around and save people, more so when your cousin is none other than Superman. Other than that, I've done pretty well for myself. I still haven't been outed, so that's reassuring.
Kal-El (or Clark as people on earth know him), said the interview we had today was with Lena Luthor, daughter to Lillian and Lionel Luthor. Not to mention, her brother Lex Luthor, is Superman's worst enemy. Needless to say, he's not very happy that two Kryptonians are going to be in a room with the younger Luthor.
     I've been fidgeting with my sleeve the entire drive to her building. I'm 99% positive we're reporting on the companies name change. From LuthorCorp to... L-Corp? The building is sleek and modern. I wouldn't expect anything less from a tech company, really.
"Stop fidgeting." Kal immediately tells me when we step inside, "We want to appear confident."
"Right. Sorry." I mumble as I square out my shoulders. Confidence is key Zor-el.
The elevator ride to Lenas office was even more nerve wrecking than walking through the door. We were escorted by a large body guard who easily towered over me and Kal. He lead us to two large doors with a small desk placed neatly to the side where a small girl was working. I'm assuming it's her assistant.
"Just talk to Jess and she'll direct you from here." The man spoke with a deep voice gesturing to the girl.
Clark moves first making his way to the desk as I nearly followed like a lost puppy. At first, this Jess person didn't notice us until Kal had cleared his throat. She looked up with a bored expression. She seems... colorful.
"Ah Clark Kent... pleasure." You could hear a hint of distaste in her voice before she turned to me, "And you must me Ms. Danvers."
"I-uh yes ma'am." Ma'am? Really? Get it together Zor-El!
"Mhm." For being so small this women is terrifying me, "Ms. Luthor will see you now."
She lazily pointed to the large doors and went back to whatever paperwork she had to get done. Once again Kal-El lead the way and I simply followed as we walked into the large room. We had both agreed for Kal to do all the talking, considering he is the most experienced. The large room seemed empty and colorless. There was no personal touch. The raven haired woman seemed small, sitting by the window, her eyes trained on her screen. The only object in the room that showed any touch of a homie feeling was a white couch that look like it was hardly used. Kal cleared his throat making the younger woman look up. Roa, she's stunning.
Lena's POV
Apparently, I had been so focused on the business reports, I hate so much, I didn't notice the two reporters come in. I heard someone clear their throat so I lifted my head and saw Clark Kent, and... some blonde. She must be Kara Danvers. She was actually really pretty... she had bright blue eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses, a wide eyed expression as she took in the office. She wore a pale pink dress with a slightly darker cardigan to match. She was fidgeting with her sleeve. Normally, something like that would annoy me, but she makes the act seem endearing. Hell, I might've even wanted to date her if it wasn't for the pesky curse. We made eye contact and she gave me a shy smile before moving to hide behind Mr. Kent just slightly.
"Ah, Mr. Kent, lovely to see you again." I say with a silky sweet tone accompanied by a polite smile, "And you must be Ms. Danvers. Lovely to meet you." I say sounding far more genuine directed at her.
"It's um... nice to meet you too, Ms. Luthor." The poor girl managed to squeak out. I wonder how she sees me...
"Please ignore her... stuttering." Clark apologizes for Kara patting her on the back, "This is her first real assignment, so she's a little nervous."
"No need to apologize Mr. Kent, it's not the first, first timer I've dealt with." I say with a slight smirk. I take note that the blonde reporter is now sporting a light blush. Oh this is gonna be fun.

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