Chapter 20

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A/N - This is longer than I expected.  I just couldn't find a good spot to break it up.

Noah POV

Well, I guess I got my answer.  I'm most definitely still stuck on her.  Two hours with her, and even though I'm already back at Yale, I can't seem to stop thinking about her, even though I never got a response to my text.  It looked like she was typing a few times, but nothing ever came through.

I know I caught her off guard.  Lee told me later that he never mentioned to her that I was coming home, so I guess it was a bit of a shock to her.  I don't really know what I expected either.  Years of no contact, and then I just show up at breakfast expecting that everything will just be OK?  Whatever OK means.  

Either way, I saw her.  She's doing well, and she's doing exactly what I had hoped she would do - find herself, find what makes her happy, without being beholden to anyone else.  

Maybe there will be another opportunity in the near future, but in the meantime, I am making a conscious decision to just focus on school, and getting the most out of my internship while I'm here.  This job isn't nearly as cool as the one I had in my senior year, but the other interns seem OK, and I like the partner I'm working for.  Everyone here puts in crazy hours, so I'm not expecting too much of a social life over the next few years.  And since I was just home for Thanksgiving, I decided to stay here for Christmas, and put in some face time at the office.  Most of the other interns are headed out for the holidays, until the next semester begins, so I can get a bit of an edge by having the extra few weeks in the office. 

Anything to help take my mind off of that breakfast.


Elle POV

I'm not really sure what Noah was trying to get out of crashing breakfast with Lee and I.  Either way, I can't seem to get him out of my head.  I had thought there was a chance of finally moving on, but then something happens and he pops back into my head.  I still never responded to his text from that day.  Nothing I wrote ever seemed right.  Like, was it good to see him too?  Was I happy to see him?  Or was I annoyed that he was there?  I couldn't decide how I felt, so I just tried to ignore it.  

Fortunately, there were only a few weeks of school left, and Lee promised me that Noah was not coming home for the holidays this year.  I believed him - I mean, I know I was not very nice to him after breakfast, and barely spoke to him while I was away - so I really think he knew better than to lie to me this time.  

I was looking forward to spending some time with him again, but the highlight of this year's winter break was a big ski trip to Lee's friend Carly's house in Vail, Colorado to celebrate the New Year.  Lee, Rachel, Lee's roommate Steve, Carly's roommate Amanda and I were going to spend a week there.  Alex was going to join us as well for part of the trip too.  

Lee, Rachel and I were set to fly out together, and everyone was set to get in a few days before NYE.  Alex was joining us on NYE day, so she'd still be able to join in the festivities.  We landed at the airport, and we were greeted at baggage claim by Carly and Amanda holding a giant sign that said 'Goofballs'.  It was hysterical, and perfectly us. 

The house was only about 20 minutes from the airport, and it was huge - I mean, each of us had our own room with adjacent bathroom (with the exception of Lee and Rachel, who were obviously sharing a room).  There was even a small movie theater in the basement.  It reminded me of Lee's house a bit in terms of size, but while the Flynn house was more modern, this house still seemed 'cozy', with fireplaces in all of the main rooms, and even in some of the bedrooms.  There was a hot tub right off of the great room, and it looked large enough to hold all of us.  

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