Chapter 10 - Elle's Junior Year

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Elle POV

Back at school, back to living with Alex.  This year, we actually decided to get apartment off campus.  It was a little hard getting my dad on board with this, because we would really be on our own, but we were trying extra hard to be supportive of each other.  This was a first step to me really leaving home, and since 'home' feels like it will change once he proposes, it was a little harder for him to say no.  Plus, we worked out the numbers, and it would actually be cheaper for me to be off campus, including cooking for myself rather than on a meal plan...that part should be interesting.

Now that I know my dad's intentions...I've been looking forward to (and somewhat nervous for) our girls trip to Napa this year.  My dad still hadn't proposed, so I had this big secret, and fortunately, June didn't know either.  Actually, to make this secret even harder to keep, Linda had asked if Kelsey could join us this year. June was thrilled, and although I was happy for her to be there, I was really not sure if I trusted myself with dad's news.  

Nevertheless, it was a great trip.  Kelsey was just in for a few days from London, so the trip was good timing for her.  It was also good timing, because I had just submitted my application to study abroad in London in the spring.  I had been going back and forth on the idea, but there was a huge game design convention there in March, and there were special events throughout that week for students.  I felt like being there could make a huge impact in my future, so I thought I'd take a leap and go.  Talking about my upcoming semester with Kelsey was a great distraction, and by the end of the trip, not only was I even more excited about London, but I had nearly forgotten all about the engagement secret.  

Lee had also talked about going abroad, and after talking it though, since it would mean we'd spend a semester together - he was in too.  Ok, lets be honest, not much thinking was required - it was our chance to be together!  I'm super excited to us to get to explore a new country together.  

Fall semester sped by.  My classes were definitely more intense, but I was getting so much out of them.   I'm learning more about which genre's of games I'd like to focus on (family friendly, puzzles, strategy) and which I'd like to stay away from (shooting, racing).  

Now that we're home for winter break, I'm hoping my dad will finally pop the question, if for no other reason than I don't have to keep this secret anymore.  Fortunately, Kelsey had already told me she'd be coming in for Christmas, and I think that is what my dad was waiting for.

But, what he didn't expect, was for a huge storm on the East Coast to block flights from England to California.  He and I talked about it (outside of Brad's earshot), and he said as much as he wanted Kelsey to be there, he didn't want to wait any longer, knowing I'd be out of the country in a few weeks too, and who knew when we'd all be around again.  

With Linda coming over for Christmas Eve, I helped dad prepare.   We lit a ton of candles in the backyard, and strung tiny string lights around the deck, and we spread rose petals from  right inside the doorway leading a path to the back yard.  Once we let Brad in on it, Dad and I prepared a fancy dinner (for just the two of them),  while Brad set the table.  Then, Brad and I headed over to the Flynn's.  The plan was for my dad to pop the question, for them to enjoy their dinner, and then head over to the Flynn's to celebrate with dessert.  I was hoping Linda would call Kelsey immediately, so that I could FaceTime with her from the Flynn's.  

From what my dad tells me, Linda was shocked.  When she arrived, he led her outside, and got down on one knee, and asked her to marry him.  The romantic in me wishes I had been a fly on the wall to see it, but my dad's daughter is kinda glad she wasn't there to see it.  As I expected, Kelsey called while I was at the Flynn's, and all I could hear was screaming.   For a second, I couldn't tell if it was good screaming, but after she calmed down, she said she couldn't wait to have a sister, and to celebrate with me in person in just a few weeks.  My dad's timing couldn't have been better.

Linda and my dad came over to the Flynn's, and we had the Champagne ready to celebrate. June may have let a few tears fall, but I'm hoping they were happy tears.  She pulled me aside during the festivities to check in on me too.  Since I'd known about this for a while, I'd already had a chance to process this, but it was still emotional for me.  Having June there to support me meant a lot, and we both felt my mom's presence that night.  We knew she'd want us, and my dad, to be happy.  

Honestly, at this point, its been so long since Noah and I have been at a family event together, it barely phases me that he's not here.  I mean, the Flynn's are incomplete without him, but as a Flynn/Evans crew, this seems to be our new normal.  I thought about texting him to share the news, but he and my dad never really got along too well, especially once we started dating.  Noah probably had his own life now, and I'm not sure that he cared about the Evans family anymore. 


A few short weeks later, our parents are at the airport dropping Lee and I off for our London adventure.  It really feels like just yesterday, I was dropping Noah off in this same spot - telling him not to turn around.  Brushing that memory aside, because I'm emotional enough as it is, Lee and I tell our parents for the millionth time that we'll take care of each other, not wander into bad neighborhoods, be sure to take lots of pictures, and call home regularly.  Lee may have moved away for college, but being at USC is so close to home, sometimes its like I've never left.  Going to England for a few months is a big change for Lee, but its an even bigger leap for me.  

Kelsey will be meeting us at the airport and helping us to settle in at our apartment - or should I call it a 'flat'?  Kelsey has arranged for her friends to meet us all for dinner too, so that we'll know some other people while we're here, and before classes start.  

One of Kelsey's flatmates is a guy named Ben.  He's tall, muscular, has great hair, and very cute.  Wow, I could be very easily be describing someone else I know, with one key difference - that accent.  What is it about British accents that is just so charming?   I'm instantly drawn to him in a way I haven't been drawn to anyone since....well, the person Ben reminds me of.  

Lee punches my shoulder, and when I turn to hit him back, I realize I've been staring for too long, and Lee was just trying to be a good friend to snap me out of it.  He whispered "need a napkin for that drool, Shelly?"  It has been a long time since I felt myself attracted to someone whose name didn't start with 'No' and end with 'ah', so this was a new feeling for me.  We sat down to dinner, and I had Kelsey on one side, and Lee on the other.  Ben was across the table, and I know its been a while for me, but I'm pretty sure that he's checking me out too - that, or I have food on my face, which I wouldn't put past myself.  

Conversation is great around the table.  Kelsey's friends must not know too many Americans besides her, because they keep teasing us about our accents.  They also laughed at me when I stared at my plate in confusion when I ordered chips and was surprised that they were 'French Fries' instead of potato chips, which I now know are called 'crisps'.   They helped us make a list of places we needed to see, including most of the tourist traps.   I'm definitely glad that we'll be here for several months, instead of just a few days - because there is a LOT on this list, and we have classes to fit in too!

As we were leaving the pub, Ben tapped me on the shoulder, and casually let me know that if I was looking for a tour guide while I was in town, he'd be more than happy to take me around.  I'm pretty sure my cheeks turned beet red, and I couldn't do anything but stare at my feet, and mutter "um, I'll have to check with Lee".  What was I even thinking, saying that?  I hope he didn't get the wrong idea, that Lee and I were a thing.  I'm hoping Kelsey has already informed him otherwise.  He walked away, looking a little dejected, and I felt terrible, because I think I'd actually want to take him up on that offer.  When we got back to the apartment, I called Kelsey immediately, and asked her to let Ben know that I would look forward to getting a tour from him, and I asked her to pass along my number.  

Who knows...maybe I just had to get out of the country to get a fresh perspective on my dating life...

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